
ID624 - AP Invoices Past Due or Coming Due Overview & Sample:

Shows AP invoices due with term discount details. Also provides a weekly summary of invoices paid with discount so you can see how much you saved.

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Provides list of all AP Invoice due with term discount details. Via alert variables you can set if you are notified on past due only as of day the alert sends or of any past due and coming due. Also provides separate email showing previous weeks AP invoices paid with discount so you can see snapshot of dollars saved. 


Run Schedule: Mondays AM

Type of Output: Email


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Variable W: Enter number of days past due or coming due within. Examples, 0 = All past due today OR -30 = past due 30 days or more OR 5  = past due now AND coming due in next 5 days

Variable Y: To include only invoices that have a discount rate and are coming up on the discount date set VariableY to 'DiscountOnly'. Set to 'All' to include all invoices coming up on due date regardless of discount.

Use drop down to select:


Variable X: Branch numbers alert should fire on (separate multiples by comma or leave blank for ALL)



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Sorts by branch, then due date

2. Invoices will continue to show on alert email until paid

3. Shows unpaid Accounts Payable invoices per your selection on VariableY - those with Discount Only or ALL unpaid AP invoices including those with discount.





Each Monday AM, a separate email is sent showing all AP Invoices paid the previous 7-days with discount. If no invoices paid using the discount terms, then no summary email generated.


 If you would like to see AP invoices paid with discount, you can use eView Vendor Payment Applications (under System eViews) which shows Term Discount column:



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. Discount terms shown on Miscellaneous tab of AP Invoice:





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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

None at this time


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