
ECI's Hosted Environment and CEO Juice

It is important that you notify ECI directly that you are a CEO Juice client, this needs to be done when you first begin discussing options to move to their environment. Click this link to take you to the attachment at the bottom of this page.

See this link for what does not work in ECIs Hosted environment

ECI maintains a separate hosted environment for CEO Juice clients, therefore this determines where they set up your system. Any delayed notification may result in you incurring additional charges from ECI. Please Contact your ECI Account Manager, and the ECI Hosted Operations Team at, to ensure they are aware of your requirements.

NOTE: CEOJuice DOES NOT charge any fee to move our software from your current server to the ECI hosted platform.

The form below must be completed and submitted by you to ECI to the above contacts, and cc CEO Juice at This will allow us to expect future changes to your software, and we will work directly with ECI to move our software over to your new environment. They will work directly with you to determine cut over dates. 


Form below
Click below for the form ECi needs.


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