
ID132 - Flat Rate Shipping Fee Overview & Sample:

Our UPS/FedEx two-way integration updates e-automate shipments processed with the tracking numbers and, optionally, the freight charge; details here

For orders with other carriers/ship methods (SpeeDee, local courier, company truck, etc.) this process can automatically apply a flat rate shipping fee to those orders.  

This process can apply a delivery freight charge to shipments that have not been fulfilled/invoiced based upon the ship method(s) defined in Variable W for this alert (separate your desired ship method codes with a comma, i.e.; TRUCK, SPEEDEE, COURIERX, etc.).  When combined and coordinated with the e-agent auto fulfill shipments task, the freight charges will be added to the invoice as e-agent process your shipments for the day.

It will not overwrite an existing freight charge on the shipment, only add one if currently it shows zero.

*We will install in test mode first so you can review before turning live for your customers*


Email lists the shipments it evaluated and indicates whether or not a charge was applied to the shipment.  First, the shipment must meet the criteria (ship method, order type, order$ < variable) and if those criteria are met, then it checks to make sure the shipment has not already been invoiced (it can’t add charges to shipments completely fulfilled/invoiced) and that the shipment did not already have a freight charge on it. 

If the flat rate is not applied, the email will indicate which situation (invoiced, freight charge existed, customer disabled, order$ > Y) made the shipment ineligible to update.



Variable W: Enter the ship method code(s) (separated by comma) you want to be processed by this task

Variable X: Enter in the flat rate shipment charge (format 0.00, no dollar sign) you want to be added to the qualified shipments

Variable Y: Only apply freight charge to qualified orders if order total > Y.  (If you only want to charge billable orders then enter 0, if you want this added to non-billable orders then enter -1).

Variable Z: If you have customers you want this process to ignore, specify the Custom Attribute name created (we suggest the attribute name contain this alert ID (ex:ZCJ132Flatrate) so it's obvious to users what this attribute controls) and applied to your customer configuration group.  This attribute must be set to user defined box with the choices:
Enable FlatRate
Disable FlatRate
When you add this attribute to the customer configuration you should set the 'default' value to 'Enable FlatRate'. (You can have us setup this attribute for you if you add that in the Notes to Installer when you subscribe.)


Variable 1: Enter the sales order type(s) to be considered for this process (separated by comma)

Variable 2: This is the option to ignore billable orders > the amount entered.  For example in Variable Y you indicated to 'charge all orders where order total$  > Y...but you also give free shipping to orders > $ would enter 100 in this 'NoChargeOrder$$' Variable2


Since there is no setting for default costs for freight in e-auto (as freight costs will vary on each shipment), the best way to track and tie freight costs to customers / equipment / contract is when you get the freight bill. When creating the AP invoice you can associate the costs to certain contracts and equipment. Thus providing accurate profitability on the contracts that includes the companies freight costs.



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