
ID266 - Notify Sales of Service Call Status by Call Type (or for ALL Install Category Types) Overview & Sample:

Notify sales of new call / completed calls for selected Call Types OR ALL Install [IR] Call Types

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To notify Sales of ALL Install/Delivery Call Activity or for specified Call Types. It's great for keeping sales in the loop on call activity, especially created for deliveries and pickups. You may also create a job for each Sales Rep by assigning the rep to that JOB and then use that JOB on all calls for that Sales Rep OR we will email the Sales Rep mapped to the account if the job is blank.

Run Schedule:  Every 15-Minutes

Type of Output: Email

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Variable W: Call Type(s) to include OR leave blank to include ALL Install/Pickup [IR] Call Type categories

Use Tools / Lists & Codes / Call Types to see Call Types and Call Type Categories. If you leave VariableW blank, this alert will fire on ALL Call Types with Call Type Category of IR - Install/Pickup. 


OR list specific IR Call Types (NOT description or category) you will alert to notify of:



Variable X: Status(s) to notify on (P=Pending,H=Hold,D=Dispatched, A=Arrived,CMP=Completed, OKB=OK to Invoice, I=Invoiced, X=Canceled) separate list with commas

Variable Y: Branch Numbers to trigger on, separated by comma, or leave blank for ALL



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Will notify of statuses listed in VariableY for Call Types listed in VariableW. If VariableW is left blank, then will send emails for all Call Types set with Install/Pick Up [IR] Category:


2. Alert is very dependent on what you list in the variables. So please be sure to review your VariableW and VariableY to ensure your Call Type(s) are entered correctly, as well as ensure you have selected the statuses you wish to notify of.

3. Will notify on service call with Equipment linked or Serviceable Item linked:

Sample Serviceable Item:



4. Sends to Sales Rep per your CRM or eAuto; whichever, alert ID320 is set to consider. Ask us at how this one is set up for you.

5. If you use Jobs in eAuto, then this alert will send to Sales Rep listed as contact (not per your CRM or eAuto as #4 above states) in Job linked to the Service Call. See Best Practices & Tips below on how to set up Jobs in eAuto.

6. Alert can be cloned so you can have multiple subscription running for varying variable types and/or recipients.



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. This alert can send to the Sales Rep linked to the JOB. 

Jobs are built via Tools / Jobs:

You link the Customer, add Description and Due Dates:


Add linked Contact Record (i.e. Sales Rep) to be notified as call is worked:


Assign Job Number to Service Call:


Job will now reflect that linked transaction/service call:



Completed Notes from the Alert Output:

This pulls from the Remarks entered when the service call is being invoiced, as seen in the screen shot below. This window is found by going into a service call from the dispatch console and clicking "proceed to invoice" on the service call. 




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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID166 - Notify Sales when Service Call is Opened/Closed for a particular Customer/Equipment

ID371 - Daily Summary of Pending Delivery Calls to Sales Rep

ID691 - Open Call for Customer Type

ID696 - Notify Sales Rep of Installation Details


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