
ID881 - High Scan Volume Overview & Sample:

Notifies if equipment in field has high scan volume in comparison to the normal print/copy volume of the machine. Highlights potential issues when billing for a low volume print/copy usage but high scan volume, and you are replacing parts.

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This alert reviews equipment with volume history from the last 3 months in your database for normal print/copies and scans in order to find results showing the equipment is making an excess of scans in comparison with their normal prints/copies. Within the Variables of the alert, you set the threshold for when the alert should notify you of what percentage scans are in excess of total usage of the machine. 

This alert is helpful as it is important to manage high scan equipment in the field that you may not be charging the customer by scan for. without knowledge of these cases, you may be putting a lot of parts into a machine that you are not being compensated for on the print/copy usage billing. 

Note that you must be collecting and inputting scan meters into your database on the equipment in order for this alert to work. 


Run Schedule:  Monthly on the 1st

Type of Output: Email


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The output for this alert contains your company Branch, the Customer Name, the Contract Number the device is on, Equipment ID Number, The Scan Volume Percentage and who last updated the meters for the customer. 

ID881 Sample.png


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ID881 2.JPG

Variable W: This variable indicates what percentage threshold the scans are of the total clicks should be in order for the alert to report it to you. For instance, 0.50 will trigger the alert whenever the scans are at least 50% of the total clicks. 

Variable XThis variable allows you to enter in Meter Types that aren't within the 'Scanner' Category, but you want to include towards the scanner usage.

Variable Y: This variable allows you to enter in Meter Types that are of the 'Scanner' Category, but you do not want included towards the scanner usage.



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Alert reviews the average monthly volumes for the last three months for each active Meter Type on Equipment within the system. 

In the example below, the system sees that over the last three months the equipment has an average of 4,986 B\W usage and 13,297 Scanner usage per month. 

ID881 4.JPG

ID881 3.JPG

2. The alert calculates that the total average monthly volume for all Meter Types is 18,283 (4,986 B\W usage + 13,297 Scanner) and that the Scanner usage is 73% of the total usage (13,297 Scanner / 18,283 Total).

3. So long as Variable W indicates that the company should be alerted when scans are 73% or higher, this equipment will show up on the emailed alert.


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

How to Determine your Meter Type Categories:

1. In eAutomate select Tools from the top toolbar and then select List and Codes


2. From the dropdown in the List and Codes screen, select Meter Types

ID881 6.JPG

3. The list of your Meter Types will appear, and the Category column will indicate what Category the Meter Type belongs to

ID881 7.JPG





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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

No related alerts at this time. 


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