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In this documentation we will cover the eAutomate Options section, this is found under tools. This is where many default settings are set for the various modules in eAutomate. We will explain what each is, and if any best practices apply to a specific area.
* * *
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Account - enter your default account payable general ledger account (must be an accounts payable account type)
Unapplied Payment Account - enter general ledger account that you want unapplied payments to post to (must be current liability or accounts payable account type)
Cash Disbursement Account - enter cashbook account that you want to make vendor payments from
Terms Discount Account - enter general ledger account that you want discounts to be deducted from related to vendors
Terms Discount Department - enter the department that you want the Terms Discount Account to be associated with
Pay X Days Before Term Discount Date - enter how many days prior to the terms discount date that you want invoices to show up on your AP payment List that are related to term discounts
Pay X Days Before Due Date - enter how many days prior to the terms discount date or due date that you want invoices to show up on your AP payment List
Enforce Uniqueness of Invoice Number by Vendor - checkmark this box to not allow same invoice number to be entered under same vendor
Enable Auto-Apply on Payments - checkmark this box only if you want E-Automate to auto-apply payments you've made to the vendor without reference to specific invoice numbers to be applied to the eldest charges due
Duplicate Check Numbers - checkmark an option from allow duplicate, warn for duplicate or do not allow duplicate in regard to duplicate check numbers being issued in the accounts payable console. We recommend the warning option.
EFT Options
Use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) - checkmark this box if you would like to allow the system to generate EFT files
Wait the following days after sending pre-note to activate vendor for EFT - enter how many days you want the system to wait before allowing EFT to occur on a customer that has been send a pre-note. We recommend a minimum of 6 days.
EFT File Output Location - enter where on your network or computer you would like to store the EFT files that are generated during the EFT process
Cashbook Account - enter which cashbook account that you want EFT transactions to be used under
EFT Format - select the format appropriate for your transactions
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable Account - enter your default account receivable general ledger account (must be an accounts payable account type)
Undeposited Receipts Account - enter general ledger account that you want customer payments to post to
Sales Discount Account - enter general ledger account that you want discounts to be deducted from related to Customers
Sales Discount Department - enter the department that you want the sales discount account to be associated with
Freight Revenue Account - enter general ledger account that you want freight revenue on sales invoices and accounts receivable invoices to be associated with
Freight Revenue Department - enter the department that you want the freight revenue account to be associated with
Terms Discount Account - enter general ledger account that you want discounts to be deducted from related to customers
Terms Discount Department - enter the department that you want the terms discount account to be associated with
Unapplied Receipts Account - enter general ledger account that you want unapplied customer payments to post to
Bad Debt Account - enter general ledger account that you want bad debt that is written off to be associated with
Bad Debt Department - enter the department that you want the bad debt account to be associated with
Cash Account - enter the account you want wire payments to be associated with
Next Invoice Number - enter the invoice number that you want to be the next number generated in the system. It will continue from this number automatically.
Next Debit Memo Number - enter the debit memo number that you want to be the next number generated in the system. It will continue from this number automatically.
Next Credit Memo Number - enter the credit memo number that you want to be the next number generated in the system. It will continue from this number automatically.
Job Title for Accounts Receivable - recommended to leave blank. It was created prior but according to ECI is not functional. The idea was that you would enter the job title created within your system that you want to be associated with the main contact for past due invoices and questions on the AP side of the customer. What is selected here places the contact for the customer with this job title in the contact column of the Accounts Receivable Console.
Enable Auto-Apply on Payments - checkmark this box only if you want E-Automate to auto-apply payments recorded under the customer without reference to specific invoice numbers to be applied to the eldest charges due. We do not recommend enabling this.
Customer Setup Defaults
Price Level - select the price level that you want each new customer record that is created to default to
Shipping Method - select the shipping method that you want each new customer record that is created to default to
Terms - select the terms that you want each new customer record that is created to default to
Equipment/Contract Contact Category - select the category for contacts that you want to be able to select on a contact and have that contact auto-populating on customers as the Equipment Contact and the decision maker contact
Finance Charges
*If you do not wish to charge finance charges (late fees), leave this section blank*
Finance Charge Account - enter general ledger account that you want finance charges to be associated with
Finance Charge Department - enter the department that you want the finance account to be associated with
Annual Rate - enter the annual finance charge rate
Last Cutoff Date - enter the end date for the period that the last finance charges were assessed so the system knows when to begin calculating them going forward, this only needs to be entered once
Minimum Charge - enter the minimum amount you wish to charge as a finance charge
Maximum charge - enter the maximum amount you wish to charge as a finance charge
Base Charges On - select from the options below that best fit for your company
The Average Daily Balance - this option calculates finance charges based on a period rate for a specified period. Note that this option will assess finance charges to customers who were past due within the specific period even if they're current at the time of the finance charge being generated.
The Due Amount on Invoices at the Time of Assessment - this option calculates finance charges based on the past due amounts of the invoices at the time that the finance charges are assessed. Note that this option will not assess finance charges to customers who are no longer past due at the time of the finance charge being generated (CEO Juice recommends this option).
Apply Charges to Open Finance Charge Invoices - checkmark this option if you want to calculate finance charges based on past due unpaid finance charges that exist at the time of the finance charges being assessed
User Defined Fields
User Defined Fields 1 and 2 - these can be used as additional fields on the miscellaneous tab of a misc. charge invoice. They will not appear unless you have entered names for the fields here. We don't recommend using these as they are not reportable.
Wire Fees
Fee Account - enter general ledger account that you want wire fee expenses to be associated with
Fee Department - enter the department that you want the Fee Account to be associated with
Fee Amount - if desired, enter a fee amount that you want automatically added to any wire transfers
Enable Company Color - click this button to choose a color for the border of this company's database. This is helpful as it separates the appearance of each company database.
Home Country - this field is not editable and is preconfigured upon purchasing E-Automate
Edit Main Branch Settings... - click this button to open the main branch settings box
Details Tab
Branch Number - enter the number you assign to this branch
Internal Name - enter the internal name you assign the branch noting this is the name that will display on the branch lookup areas within the system
External Name - enter the external name you assign the branch nothing this is the name that will display on customer reports for customers assigned this branch
Branch Customer - leave blank if you will not be using equipment history tracking in e-automate. If you will be using equipment history tracking then create (or use if already exists) a customer record for your company with your company information to represent this branch.
Default Warehouse - enter the warehouse your company uses to receive and fulfill orders for this branch. This will typically be your main warehouse.
Time Zone - enter the time zone of this branch
SLA Code - select or create the code that define this branch's default overtime hours, response and resolution times, etc. for service
Bill Code - select the bill code you want on the equipment records created under this branch when auto-created through Equipment History Tracking
Phone 1, 2 and Fax - enter the numbers for this branch (will populate from branch customer if selected)
Address, City, County, State, Zip, Country - enter the information for this branch (will populate from branch customer if selected)
EIN - enter the EIN information for this branch
Users Tab
This tab is only for use if you have multiple branches. Select the E-Automate users for this branch or remove those that shouldn't be in this branch.
Miscellaneous Tab
Pre-Assembly - select the warehouse that you want defaulted for pre-assembly items
Post-Assembly - select the warehouse that you want defaulted for post-assembly items
Drop Ship - select the warehouse that you want defaulted for drop-shipping items
RTV Returns - select the warehouse that you want defaulted for RTV Return items
Set Default Warehouse for Return Code - select the default return code as well as warehouse you want defaulting for returns
AR Branch, AP Branch and PO Remit Branch - checkmark the option to use this branch, unless you are using branching then you would select the appropriate branch that you want this specific branch to be linked to for these specific types of transactions
Report Options Tab
Include Logo - select pre-saved company logo or click the downward pointing arrow to the right of the magnifying glass and select new, follow the prompts to add the desired logo. The logo selected will print on documents such as invoices, packing slips, etc.
Invoice Message - select pre-saved invoice message or click the downward pointing arrow to the right of the magnifying glass and select New, follow the prompts to add any desired messages. What is selected here will populate on outgoing emails from the system when sending invoices.
Include Company/Branch Address in the Header/Footer - select either option to include your address and company name in either the header or the footer on system generated documents such as invoices
Purchase Orders (Copies and Use Queueing) - checkmark this if you are using queueing to automate purchase orders going to the vendor document queue
Auto-Approve Orders Sent to the Document Queue - checkmark this if you are using queueing to automate orders going to the vendor document queue and want the system to automatically approve the orders to be sent out to the vendors
Send Print Orders to the Document Queue - checkmark this if you are using queueing to automate orders going to the vendor document queue and want the system to send orders placed in the system under vendors set to a send method of print to be sent to the vendor document queue
Send Email Orders to the Document Queue - checkmark this if you are using queueing to automate orders going to the vendor document queue and want the system to send orders placed in the system under vendors set to a send method of email to be sent to the vendor document queue
Send Export Orders to the Document Queue - checkmark this if you are using queueing to automate orders going to the vendor document queue and want the system to send orders placed in the system under vendors set to a send method of export to be sent to the vendor document queue
Queue Zero Dollar Orders - checkmark this if you are using queueing to automate orders going to the vendor document queue and want the system to send orders placed in the system for $0.00 to the vendor document queue
Queue Credit Orders - checkmark this if you are using queueing to automate orders going to the vendor document queue and want the system to send credit orders placed in the system to the vendor document queue
Auto-Approve Invoices Send to the Document Queue - checkmark this if you are using queueing to automate documents going to the customer document queue and want the system to automatically approve the invoices to be sent out to the customers
Send Print Invoices to the Document Queue -checkmark this if you are using queueing to automate documents going to the customer document queue and want the system to send invoices generated in the system under customers set to a send method of print to be sent to the customer document queue
Send Email Invoices to the Document Queue - checkmark this if you are using queueing to automate documents going to the customer document queue and want the system to send invoices generated in the system under customers set to a send method of email to be sent to the customer document queue
Queue Zero Dollar Invoices - checkmark this if you are using queueing to automate documents going to the customer document queue and want the system to send invoices generated in the system for $0.00 to the customer document queue
Queue Credit/Debit Memos - checkmark this if you are using queueing to automate documents going to the customer document queue and want the system to send credit or debit memos generated in the system to the customer document queue
Customer Invoice Queue Options for Fax, Email and Print (Sales, Service, Contract and Misc. charge Invoices) - checkmark the options that you want auto-queued to the vendor or customer document queues
Departments and Branches
Require Departments on all Entries that Affect the Income statement - checkmark this option to have the system required a department is selected for every transaction in the system that will affect the income statement. This is recommended.
Use Branching - checkmark this option to turn on branching which allows your system to configure and host multiple branches
Show Data from Only User Assigned Branches - checkmark this option to allow users from a specific branch to be able to see information in the database related to their branch and not any other
Use Multiple Balance Sheets - checkmark this option if you are using branching and want to assign a balance sheet to each branch
Time to Allow for Contract Billing Completion - enter in the time to allow the system to create the billing list. This is important because it will time out and cause an error if the contract list is too big and it tries to process it for a long time. We recommend 15 minutes.
Next Contract Number - enter the contract number that you want to be the next number generated in the system. It will continue from this number automatically.
Allow Items on Contracts and Service Calls - checkmark this option if you want the ability to bill for non-equipment items on contracts and service calls
Do not Allow Deposit Based Contracts to go Negative - checkmark this option if you bill deposit-based contracts and do not want a service call to cause the contract to go negative
Warn if Deposit Based Contract Balance is Less than the Following on Service Calls - checkmark this option if you bill deposit-based contracts and want to warn on service calls that the contract balance is below a specific amount
Require Accrual Cycle if Base Billing Cycle Greater than the Following Number of Months - enter the minimum number of months that can be billed on a billing cycle before the system should consider the invoice for accruals
...and Default Accrual Cycle to - enter how often you will run your accruals
Default Accrual Start Date to the First Day of the Month - checkmark this option if you want your accruals to start on the first day of the month as opposed to the first day of the cycle billed
Allow the User to change These Defaults - checkmark this option if you want your users to be able to change these defaults within the contract
Accrue Revenue on the Last Day of the Cycle - checkmark this option if you will be accruing revenue on the last day of the month
Use Base Cycle Consolidation - checkmark this option if you want to allow users to bill any past due periods on the same invoice as the current billing period for contract base
Use Overage Cycle Consolidation - checkmark this option if you want to allow users to bill any past due periods on the same invoice as the current billing period for contract overage
Use Accrual Cycle Consolidation - checkmark this option if you want to allow users to accrue any past due periods on the same accrual as the current accrual period
Always Round Up on Contract Rate Schedules - checkmark this option if you want the system to automatically round up regular contract hours to the next highest number
Default Base Rate to Prorate on Equipment - checkmark this option if you want the system to use the base rate when prorating equipment amounts on a contract
Meters / Overage... - click this option to open the meter and overage options box
Meter and Overage Options box - click this button to open the main branch settings box
Billing Meter Tolerance Before & After Collection Date - enter the number of days before and after the contract's overage bill date for a meter to be accepted as a billable meter on that period
Override Meter Billing Date Tolerance Before & After Actual Meter Date - this is the number of days between the actual date of the start or end meter that you enter on a contract's equipment versus the date (that is within the billing tolerance) that you enter to override actual date. For example, if you enter "13" for the "before actual meter date" field, then the system will allow for you to enter an actual meter reading that is 13 days before the actual meter date so long as the 13 days is within the billing tolerance window. The total number of days allowed between the before and after date is 27 days.
Warn if the Meter Usage Exceeds the Billed Monthly Average by more than X % and Billed Monthly Average is Greater than X - enter at what percentage and dollar amount above the customer's billed monthly average the overage is billing at that you want to be notified of
Overage Table Behavior - by selecting to bill at multiple overage ranges you will enable overage range billing in the contract (allows you to decide how many overage copies bill at what rate. Example: 499 copies or less bills at .06, 500-999 bills at .065 and 1000+ bills at .07) versus selecting billing at a single maximum overage rate (all overage copies in a meter group bill at the 1 overage rate listed for that meter group)
Warn on Service Calls and Sales Transaction when Expiration Copies on Contracts have Accumulated more than X % - checkmark this option if you bill expired copies on service contracts and want the system to warn at the service call and sales invoice level when a contract's copies are at a specific percentage of expired
Enabled Overage Methods - checkmark all overage methods that you would like enabled to show on contract meter groups
Meter Estimates... - select this option to open the estimate meter readings option box which controls the auto-estimation tool in the system
Estimate Meter Readings Options Box:
Enable Bulk Estimation of Meter Readings - checkmark this option if you want the system to allow contracts to be auto-estimated
Number of Days Allowed Between Last Reading and Estimated Reading - enter the number of days between the last non-estimated reading and the current estimated reading you want the system to allow in order to use the auto-estimation tool
Number of Days Between Historical Reading and Last Reading:
Minimum Days - enter the minimum number of days the system must go back to find a valid reading to consider for the estimate calculation
Preferred Days - enter how many days would be ideal for the system to go back to find a valid reading to consider for the estimate calculation
Maximum Days - enter the maximum number of days the system must go back to find a valid reading to consider for the estimate calculation
Number of Estimates Allowed in a Row - enter how many times the equipment can bill on an estimated meter read in a row, after this number the auto-estimation will not occur
Next Proposal Number - enter the contract proposal number that you want to be the next number generated in the system, it will continue from this number automatically
Report Display Name: Contract - enter any text you want printed on your contract proposals after the hard-coded word "contract". Some clients use "invoice" or "proposal". It is up to your business how you want it named.
Use Proposal Number as Invoice Number - checkmark this option if you want the system to use the contract proposal number as the first contract invoice number
Enable Equipment History Tracking - checkmark this option if you would like the system to track any configured equipment in your system, this tracking system is helpful when enabled and utilized properly
Skip Tracking Information Screen if no Required Fields need to be Filled Out - checkmark this option if equipment history tracking is enabled and you do not wish for the tracking information pop-up to appear if the specific transaction of the equipment is not classified as one that requires you to enter information related to the transaction
Forward Information from One Piece of Equipment to the Next Upon Collection - checkmark this option if equipment history tracking is enabled and you would like any details related to equipment on a sales order to be linked to that same equipment throughout the shipping and billing process
Treat the Customer Attribute as the Equipment's Location and set the Equipment's Customer to the Location's Parent Customer - checkmark this option if you want the system to automatically assign an equipment record to be under the parent customer record and the location of the equipment to be assigned as the child (ship to) customer record (recommended)
Enable Equipment Location Edit - checkmark this option if you want the system to allow for you to make changes to the equipment's location (recommended)
Next Equipment Number - enter the equipment number that you want to be the next number generated in the system. It will continue from this number automatically.
Default SLA Code - select the SLA Code that you want each new equipment record that is created to default to
Enable Meters - checkmark for the system to be able to track meter readings on all equipment
Default Meter Source - select the meter source that you want each new meter reading being entered to default to (can be changed at time of entry)
Default Meter Estimate Based on Last 3 Months History - checkmark this option if you want the system to use the most used Meter Source from the last 3 months as the default Meter Source to populate when entering each new meter reading
Meter Validation Buffer - enter the buffer you want allowed on meter readings entered that are greater than the last 6-month average, you will be notified if the meter you are entering exceeds this buffer but will still be allowed to enter it after acknowledging the warning
Allow Accessory Consumption of Serialized Items - checkmark this option if you want the system to automatically absorb the cost of non-serialized items into the accessories of the machine
Default Non-Serialized Items to Consumed - checkmark this option if you want the system to automatically absorb the cost of non-serialized items into the main machine
General Ledger
General Ledger
Void Settings:
Default Date - select the option to either void transactions in the system with today's date or the original date of the voided document
User Selectable Date - select an option that will either allow the user to select their own document date or not, this can be any date or a date in a specific date range that you allow
Void Settings when Editing - select an option that will either allow the user to select their own document date or not, this can be any date or a date in a specific date range that you allow and this is setting is specific to when you full edit an invoice (which automatically clears existing invoice with a credit memo and create a new invoice) instead of void directly
Default Date - select the option to either void transactions in the system with today's date or the original date of the voided document
User Selectable Date - select an option that will either allow the user to select their own document date or not, this can be any date or a date in a specific date range that you allow
Cost Method - this is the cost method for you system that was selected when E-Automate was first purchased and cannot be changed
Inventory Adjustment - enter general ledger account that you want inventory adjustments to be posted to
Negative Inventory - select an option to either be warned or not when inventory is about to go negative, or to not allow inventory to go negative at all
Over Allocation - select an option to either be warned or not when inventory is about to be over allocated, or to not allow inventory to be over allocated at all
Enable Assembled Bin Tracking on Equipment Accessories - enable if you want the system to automatically transfer the accessories to a bin specifically for assembly
Physical Inventory Counts:
Enable Option to Reduce on Hand Quantities by Allocated Quantities - checkmark this option if you want the allocated quantities box on new physical inventory list window to have a checkbox option for the system to represent on hand quantities as on hand minus allocated quantities
Default to Checked - checkmark this option if you want the checkbox you enabled in the allocated quantities box on new physical inventory list window to be auto-check marked
Payroll Expense Offset - enter general ledger account that you want applied manufacturing labor posting to, when assembly of equipment occurs in the system the manufacturing labor costs, material and overhead make up the cost of the manufactured item
Payroll Expense Offset Department - enter the department that you want the payroll expense offset to be associated with
Manufacturing Overhead Offset - enter the general ledger account that you want manufacturing overhead applied to
Manufacturing Overhead Offset Department - enter the department that you want the manufacturing overhead offset to be associated with
Misc. Options
Misc. Options
Enable Custom Properties - checkmark this option if you want to turn on custom properties, these are additional fields that can be added onto areas in the system such as service contracts, customers, equipment, etc., when this is active it will appear as a new tab in those areas
Check all of the Following Numbers that Cannot be Edited After Being Created (Contract Number, Customer Number, Employee Number, Equipment Number, Item Number, Vendor Number) - checkmark the options for those you want to turn off the ability to edit the numbers of after they've been created in the system
File Attachment Options... - click this option to open the file attachments box, this area helps to control hardware memory use
File Attachments Box:
Saved Attachments Location - enter the file path for where you would like attachments in the system to be saved to
Maximum File Size in Megabytes - enter the maximum file size you want to allow to be saved in your system
Number of Revisions to Retain - enter the maximum number of file revisions you want to allow in your system
Export Modules - click into this option to configure your export settings within the system
Disable "Auto Populate" on Lists - checkmark this option if you want to turn off the auto-population on the service contract list
Require Notes When Voiding Transactions - checkmark this option if you want to require that your users enter notes on why a transaction is being voided when they are voiding
Require Remarks When Voiding Transactions - checkmark this option if you want to require that your users enter remarks on why a transaction is being voided when they are voiding
E-Info URL - enter your unique E-Info URL
Default E-Info Security... - select the options you want check marked by default on E-Info users within the system
Enable Cognytics Data Access - checkmark this option if you are using cognytics data access in place of the legacy metrics consoles for your company database, this will be rare
Export Start Date - enter the date that you would like your exported hours to start
Export Path - enter the file path for where you would like your exports to be saved to
QuickBooks Pay Item - enter the item name that exported information belongs to from QuickBooks, use if you handle payroll activities within E-Automate only
Uninvoiced Receiving Account - enter the holding account that uninvoiced but received inventory on a purchase order should be linked to
Uninvoiced Returns Account - enter the holding account that not yet credited or invoiced but received inventory on an RTV should be linked to
Show Cost Information on Order Receipt - checkmark this option if you want the freight, cost and discount to show on the order receipt
Next Order Number - enter the purchase order number that you want to be the next number generated in the system. It will continue from this number automatically.
Set Need by Date to X Days After Purchase Order Date - enter the number of days you want your system to require the items that have been purchased on the purchase order. This will control the Req. Date on the purchase order based off the purchase order date.
Default Purchaser - select which employee is the default purchaser and you want this employee to auto-populate in the purchaser field on purchase orders, you can change the purchaser even if it defaults
Include Claim Number on Purchase Order - checkmark this option if you want the claim number to appear on the purchase order
Include ABCD Number on Purchase Order - checkmark this option if you want the ABCD number to appear on the purchase order
Require Approval Before PO can be Sent and Received - checkmark this option if you want all purchase orders to need approval before users can send or receive them
Allow Auto Fulfillment of Quantities when Receiving a PO - checkmark this option if you want the receive purchase order window to show the update receive quantities button, if unchecked it will require manual entry on each line item on purchase order receipts and RTV order receipts
Allow the Addition of New Items when Receiving a PO - checkmark this option if you want your users to be able to add items that were not on the original purchase order to an inventory receipt
Default 'Update the Cost for this Vendor' to Checked - checkmark this option if you want the system to automatically update the cost of the item based on the vendor's cost on the purchase order when the user is receiving the item
Lock Purchase Order after Send (Print/Email/Fax/Export) - checkmark this option if you want to lock the purchase order for editing after it has been printed or sent out
Popup Any Messages Immediately Upon Selection - checkmark this option if you want any messages from the sales order to pop up when a purchase order is opened
Enable PO Revision Tracking - checkmark this option if you want the system to allow for you to edit a locked purchase order and the system to create a revision number for the edited version
Print Picking List - checkmark this option if you want the system to automatically print the picking list once created and saved in the system
Print Packing List - checkmark this option if you want the system to automatically print the packing list once created and saved in the system
Use Report in Custom Reports Folder if it Exists - checkmark this option if you want the system to pull custom reports from alternate reports path instead of the standard system report
Use Alternate Reports Path - checkmark this option to set up the file path to where you want standard reports to be saved instead of the default location of the standard reports
Use alternate Custom Reports Path - checkmark this option to set up the file path to where you want custom reports to be saved
Print Tax Authority Detail on Quote, Order and Invoice Reports - checkmark this option if you want the tax authority and tax amount sub-total lines to print on quotes, orders and invoices
Print One Order per Page on the Sales Order Picking List - checkmark this option if you want the system to begin a new page when printing each sales order picking list
Show Service Call Remarks - checkmark this option if you want the system to show service call remarks on service invoices
Show Service Call Description - checkmark this option if you want the system to show service call description on service invoices
Hide Travel if $0.00 - checkmark this option if you want the system to hide travel charges that are $0.00 (note that this section of the invoice also shows hourly rate, travel miles, travel hours, technician and travel date)
Hide Labor Section if $0.00 - checkmark this option if you want the system to hide labor charges that are $0.00 (note that this section of the invoice also shows start and end times, hours and rates)
When Emailing Invoices, Use this Format - select which format you want invoices sent as, it is standard practice to select PDF
Check Format Options - select which format you want checks printed as
Next Sales Quote Number - enter the sales quote number that you want to be the next number generated in the system, it will continue from this number automatically
Next Sales Order Number - enter the sales order number that you want to be the next number generated in the system, it will continue from this number automatically
Yield Percentage - enter the percentage of actual yield usage on an item out of its expected usage that you want the system to alert your users of when adding the same item to a sales order, system defaults to 0%
Duplicate Sales Order Check - checkmark this option if you want the system to review the new sales order as a possible duplicate if the items have been ordered for that same customer/equipment in a specific number of days in the past from today that you set
Quotes Expire in X Days - enter the number of days you want your sales quotes to be valid before expiring
Set Needed by Date to X Days After Order/Invoice Date - enter the number of days you want your system to require the items that have been ordered on the sales order to be installed, this will control the Req. Date on the sales order based off the sales order date
Require Sales Order Approval - checkmark this option if you want to require that sales orders are approved (in the approver field on sales order) prior to the sales order being available for ordering
Auto-Create Equipment from Sales Invoice - checkmark this option if you want the system to auto-create equipment records based on equipment on a sales order once the sales order has been fulfilled
Enable Pre-Billing on Sales Orders by Order Type - checkmark this option if you want to allow your users to bill for equipment on a sales order prior to it being shipped
Popup Any Messages Immediately Upon Selection - checkmark this option if you want any messages from the sales order to pop up when a sales order is opened
Require Charge Method - checkmark this to require that end users enter the charge method of the order on the sales order prior to being able to save it
Require Password on Sales Orders if Customer is Over Their Credit Limit - checkmark this option to require that a password be entered when a sales order has been entered in an amount that exceeds the customer's credit limit
Enable the Auto Availability Check and Back Order Calculations on Sales Orders - checkmark this option to have the system allocate items to a sales order if they're in stock, and to calculate a backordered quantity for any not in stock
Enable costing on Non-Inventory Items - checkmark this option to have the system monitor costs for non-inventory items, note that there must be COGS set on the sales code
Default the Ship Method from the Ship To Customer - checkmark this option if you want the ship method on the sales order to populate from what is selected on the ship to customer record
Fulfill Service Payroll Expense Offset - enter the payroll expense account that you want to designate as the offset to prevent payroll booking more than once when labor is sold through the sales module
Default Item Filter for Equipment Supply Orders - this option controls the item options that are available for the user to select, you can have them see the last item selected or all items with filter availability
Credit Card Processing
Require Name on Card - this will be check marked by default as it is always required
Require Address, City and State - checkmark this option to require the entry of the address, city and state when entering credit card information, this is recommended and is actually required if you're using Net1 Payment Solutions for credit card processing
Require Zip Code - checkmark this option to require the entry of the zip code when entering credit card information, this is recommended and is actually required if you're using Net1 Payment Solutions for credit card processing
Processing Payments Before Schedule Date - select if you would like your users to be allowed to charge credits card prior to the scheduled charge date, you can also choose to allow but warn the user that it's being charged prior to scheduled charge date
Credit Card Vault - select the credit card payment processing platform that your company uses
Configuration Settings... - click this option to open the configuration settings box
Merchant ID - enter the merchant ID for your company that was provided by your credit card payment processing platform
Merchant Key - enter the merchant Key for your company that was provided by your credit card payment processing platform
Originator ID - enter the merchant Key for your company that was provided by your credit card payment processing platform
EIN - enter your company's EIN Number
Allow Credits to be Issued without Reference to Originally Charged Invoice - checkmark this option if you want to allow your users to issued credits to customers without having to reference an invoice the credit is related to
Require Pre-Authorization on Service Calls with Charge Accounts - checkmark this option if you want the system to pre-authorize credit cards provided by customers on service calls
Service Call Pre-Authorization Amount - enter the amount that you want your system to pre-authorize credit cards provided on service calls for
Batch Processing and Retype Batch Processing Passwords - enter a password if you want your system to require a password to be entered when users are processing credit card batches in large amounts
User Defined Fields
User Defined Field Label 1 & 2 - these can be used as additional fields on sales orders and sales invoices. They will not appear unless you have entered names for the fields here. We don't recommend using these as they are not reportable.
Service Calls
Service Calls
Travel Cost per Hour and per Mile - enter the estimation for the hourly and per mile cost to your company for travel by technicians from and to service calls. Keep in mind that this is not the rate you charge your customers but is the rate of cost for your company internally.
Add Burden Rate to Travel Cost - check mark this option if you want the system to add the burden from a technician's employee record to the travel cost per hour. Do not check mark this box if the burden rate is already reflected in the travel cost per hour you entered
Default Call Type - enter the call type you want the system to default when creating new service work orders
Next Service Call Number - enter the service call number that you want to be the next number generated in the system. It will continue from this number automatically.
Next Work Order Number - enter the work order number that you want to be the next number generated in the system. It will continue from this number automatically.
Unassigned Technician - enter the technician from your employee list that you want to use as an unassigned technician. This is required if you use the suggest a call, suggest a technician, or auto assign new call functionality.
Auto Assign New Calls to Unassigned Tech - check mark this option if you want the system to automatically assign all new service calls to the unassigned technician regardless of the assigned technician on the equipment record
Auto Assign Rescheduled Calls to Unassigned Tech - check mark this option if you want the system to automatically assign all rescheduled service calls to the unassigned technician regardless of the assigned technician on the equipment record
Prompt Before Saving Invoiced Service Call - check mark this option if you want the system to ask if you want to proceed with invoicing a service call when the save button to invoice a service call. This acts as a "are you sure you want to proceed?" measure.
Set Service Call Meters as Billable - check mark if you want your system to mark meters collected during service calls as billable meters
Allow Invalid Meter Readings on Service Calls - check mark this option if you want to allow your technicians to enter meter readings into the system from service calls that the system won't consider valid (example of an invalid meter is a meter that is less than the previously entered valid meter)
Popup Any Messages Immediately Upon Selection - check mark this option if you want the service messages saved on equipment or customer records to pop up whenever a service call is opened for the customer and/or equipment
Require Charge Method - check mark this option if you want to require that your service calls have a charge method selected which tells the system if customer is paying by credit card, credit, etc. The charge method will populate from the customer record selection, but if it is missing then this option allows for you to collect it at the time of the service call and complete the field
Default to Contract Bill to Versus Equipment or customer Bill To - check mark this option to have the service call bill to the "bill to" customer record listed on the service contract the equipment is linked to rather than billing to the equipment's customer's bill to record
Require Equipment on Service Calls Prior to Invoicing - check mark this option if you want the system to require an equipment record within the database is linked to the service call prior to invoicing. This is recommended.
Default Mileage to Customers' Distance from Branch - check mark this option if you want the system to calculate the number of miles for the service call to be the distance between the address on the customer record and the address of your company branch you have listed on the customer record
Default Caller Contact to Equipment Contact - check mark this option to have the equipment contact that is listed on the equipment record to automatically default as the caller on the service call
Enable costing on Non-Inventory Items - check mark this option if you want costs on non-inventory items for service calls, only works if a standard cost has been set on the item record and a cost of good sold offset account has been set on the service code.
Additional Serice Call Options Box:
Deduct Interrupt Time from Overtime Hours First - check mark if you want the system to deduct interrupt time from overtime hours before deducting from standard labor hours
Warn if Total Labor Time Exceeds Following Hours - check mark if you want the system warn that the service call has exceeded a specific number of hours for labor time
Warn if Response Time Exceeds Following Hours - check mark if you want the system warn that the service call has exceeded a specific number of hours for response time
Warn if Total Mileage Exceeds Following Miles - check mark if you want the system warn that the service call has exceeded a specific number of travel miles
Require Delay Code if Response Time Exceeds Following Hours - check mark if you want the system to require that a delay code is entered when a response time went beyond a the number of hours specified here
Default Labor Time to 12:00 AM - check mark this option if you want the system to default non-dispatched calls to a 12:00 AM dispatched, arrival and departure time. If not check marked the fields will be empty until dispatched.
Enable Aggregate Incremental Billing on Service Calls - check mark this option if you want the system to allow labor records to be grouped by just the rate, or the rate and activity code, before applying billing increments
Labor Conflicts - select your preferred option surrounding allowances of labor conflicts which are defined as overlaps occurring on labor on a service call for time spent on things such as IT, break and fix.
Allow - this allows labor records to be entered with overlapping time frames without a warning ocurring
Warn - this allows labor records to be entered with overlapping time frames but does produce a warning
Prevent - this does not allow labor records to be entered with overlapping time frames
Base Estimated Start Time on - select your preferred option surrounding how your estimated start times occur
Number of minutes after call received time - enter minutes after the call was received to base the estimated start time of the service call
Percentage of response time after call received time - enter a percentage of the call's required response time to use to base the estimated start time of the service call
Roll Preventative Maintenance Date Forward from the - select your preferred option to roll the preventative maintenance date forward from the service call close date or the preventative maintenance due date
Default Item Filter for Service Call Materials - select your preferred option for how the item filter should default on service calls
Remember last used - select if you want it to remember the last filter used and default to that
Use - select a specific filter for the filter to appear as each time
Dispatch Console
Icon Path - leave blank to use the default path where e-automate stores it's call type icons which is set up when you e-automate was first purchased. If you want an alternative file path for these icons to be located then use this area.
Select "All" Technicians when Opening the Dispatch Console - check mark this option if you want the system to display all technicians when you open your dispatch console
Call Back and Call Alert Parameters:
Call Back Number of Days - enter the number of days after a second corrective maintenance call is placed that you want the system to consider a call to be a "call back"
Call Back Number of Clicks - enter the number of clicks a second corrective maintenance call is placed that you want the system to consider a call to be a "call back"
Call Alert Parameters:
Number of Calls Received - enter the number of calls that if entered in the specified number of days below will identify a call alert in the new call window
Within Number of Days - enter the number of days that a call is placed within that a call alert will be identified in the call alert window
Within Number of Clicks - enter the number of clicks where if a call is placed for a machine within that number, then the call alert will be identified in the call alert window
Highlight Call Backs and Call Alerts - check mark this option if you want call backs and call alerts to be highlighted in the dispatch console
Enable Auto-Priority Escalation - check mark this option if you want the system to automatically update priorities of service calls based on specific parameters below as the due time of the call approaches
Highest Auto-Escalation Priority - select the highest priority that you want the auto-priority feature to use
Auto Set to Highest Priority when Call's Due Time is in the Following Minutes - enter the number of minutes prior to the service call's due time that you want the auto-escalation to update the call to the highest priority
Enable Remote Tech Features - check mark this option to enable remote tech features.
Protect Calls that are Remotely Checked Out - check mark this option if you want the system to stop users from editing calls that are assigned to technician's in RemoteTech
Text Messages Box
Create Text Message with Service Call Information Upon the Following Events (Create, Schedule, Dispatch, Reassign, Cancel, Hold) - check mark the boxes here that you want the system to send text messages for
Send Text Message without Reviewing it - check mark this option if you want the system to automatically send the text message to the technician without requiring for it to be reviewed first
Send Multiple Messages if Message Length Exceeds Maximum Length - check mark this option if you want the system to send multiple text messages if the message exceeds text maximum allowed characters
Number Messaging of X and Y - check mark this option if you want text messages that have to be sent in multiple messages to indicate which message goes before the other so the tech knows which to read first in case they send out of order and for tech to know all messages were received
Send Carbon Copy To - enter an email or phone number that you want a copy of the message to go to in addition to the assigned tech
Default Subject - select the subject you want defaulted for the outgoing text messages, otherwise leave blank to have no subject
Default Text Message Format - select all items you want included in the message
Include New Line Before Delimiter - check mark this option if you want the text to have a carriage return between each item
Tax Options
Tax Options
Consumption Tax Type - select which option correlates for your company
Sales Tax - your company does business with customers and vendors where only sales tax is assessed
Sales Tax and VAT - your company does business with customers and vendors where sales tax is or/and value added tax is assessed
VAT - your company does business with customers and vendors where only value added tax is assessed
Activity Code - select the default tax flag to be used for standard tax
Items - select the default tax flag to be used for items tax
Require Tax Code on Customers - check mark this option to require tax codes be present on all customer records in the system
Use Tax Exemptions - check mark this option to use tax exemptions on customer records where that is the case
Require Tax Exempt Code when not Taxable - check mark this option to require a specific tax exemption code be selected when a customer record is marked tax exempt
Tax Calculation Engines - select which tax calculation engine you'll be using, it will likely be the built in engine unless you're paying for a separate one
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Other Helpful Info
Other Helpful Info
Setting Up Branching in EAutomate
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts