There is a manual process to send the Equipment Install Survey (ID312). To trigger a survey to be sent, you need to add a Contact Category to the contact who is to receive the survey. Note: Make sure that the contact that you are sending a survey to has a valid email address and is associated to a customer record.
Go to People -> Contacts
Select the contact you are sending a survey to.
In the Categories tab, click the magnifying glass, choose the proper category (i.e. ZInstallSurvey), Click Quick Add, and click OK
After you click OK, it may take a couple of hours for the survey to be processed and emailed. An alert at the end of each day should be sent out to whoever is subscribed on ID312 to show a list of all surveys sent out for the day.
Once a survey is sent, a note 'ZCJSurveySent' is added to the contact record which stops future install surveys going out to this contact. If you want to survey the contact again, you will need to delete the note, but make sure the category is still set as 'ZInstallSurvey'.