
ID62 - Update Parts Retail Based on Formulas Overview & Sample:

This alert is a procedure to update the Retail (Default) Price on inventory item parts records based on formulas you provide.  Some clients don't have an easy way to keep parts pricing updated to  MSRP so this is an alternative to maintain a certain margin in relation to your current costs.

What this alert does is use your LastCost to recalculate the new 'Default' price....
here's a sample of how some clients use to markup from lastcost..a sliding scale.
If Cost between .01 and 2.51 then lastcost * 5 
Cost between 2.52 and 8.51 then lastcost * 4.5
Cost between 8.52 and 16.01 then lastcost * 4
Cost between 16.02 and 25.01 then lastcost * 3.5
Cost between 25.02 and 50.01 then lastcost * 3
else lastcost * 2.5

You tell us the 'ranges' and multiplier and we update the stored procedure as such.

All of our alerts which either affect your data or send output to third parties have test modes, you'll get an e-mail that shows what would've happened (or see what your customers/vendor partners would've seen) so you have a chance to review and validate the results. This alert is fairly customizable, tell us how you want to arrive at the price inserted and we should be able to make it happen for you.

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