This alert notifies clients when equipment has been shipped/fulfilled within a specific number of days ago, but the equipment number on the equipment record in e-automate has not been updated from e-automate's default 'EQ#'.
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Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
This alert notifies you when host equipment models have been shipped/fulfilled in e-automate but has not had the equipment number updated from e-automate's default 'EQ#'. By default, e-automate creates the initial equipment number to start with 'EQ'. Most clients put their own label on all their equipment in the field when shipped or installed and update e-automate with the label's ID #.
You can specify for this alert to only look back a specific number of days for equipment shipped/fulfilled as well as omit specific equipment record statuses and assigned technician numbers. This gives you flexibility to omit specific equipment that maybe hasn't been installed yet but needed to be shipped in the system.
Run Schedule: Weekdays A.M.
Type of Output: Email
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Variable W: Enter the number of days you want this alert to look back from today for shipments and fulfillments.
Variable X: Enter equipment statuses you want this alert to ignore. If multiple, separate with a comma.
Variable Y: Enter technician assigned to equipment record you want this alert to ignore. If multiple, separate with a comma.
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. Alert looks at shipments and fulfillments from the last number of days (variable X)
2. Alert then looks at the equipment records on the shipment/fulfillment to see if the equipment ID # has been updated from that which started with "EQ" to a different number.
Not updated and you will be alerted:
Updated and you will not be alerted:
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
We recommend having this alert send to the person(s) at your company who update equipment record number in e-automate once the machine has been installed at customer's site. This way they can keep an eye on any that may have been missed and correct promptly to avoid any issues with the customer calling in for service or supplies and you not being able to easily find their machine in the system.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
None at this time.
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