Sends a welcome email to new contacts that are set up and given eInfo rights to one or more customers.
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Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
Getting your customers to place orders and calls online can save a lot of effort for everyone. Ensuring they understand how to use the eInfo online site will imporve your success rate. This process will send a welcome email to new contacts that are set up and given eInfo rights to one or more customers. This email will include the new contact's email/user ID and eAutomate Customer Number along with an embedded link to your eInfo website.
Run Schedule: Daily at 4:15 PM
Type of Output: Email
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Sample 1
Sample 2
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No Variables for this Process
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. Process will send an email with a link to register for eInfo to any contact meeting the below criteria:
- Contact is active.
- Contact is marked as eInfo enabled.
- Contact has eInfo permissions against some customer record. This is regardless of how many customers they already have eInfo permissions with, as there is no way to tell from inside eAutomate whether they KNOW they have eInfo permissions or are using them.
- Contact has an email address.
- A change to at least one of the above conditions has occurred since the last time ID533 ran.
2. Contacts who lost eInfo permissions less than six months ago and have them re-established will NOT receive a new email if the ID533 process has already sent an email to that contact.
3. Please note that ID533 will only send once to a contact created, but what is considered a new contact is any contact newly assigned to a customer record. So, even if contact is assigned to a customer record and has eInfo rights, if they are assigned to a different customer and given eInfo permissions against that customer record, they will receive an invite from ID533.
4. This process looks at the previous seven days of new contacts created and given eInfo rights. The first time ID533 is triggered it will pick everything up, but from that point forward it knows which contacts it has already triggered off of and won't duplicate. HOWEVER, if any changes or edits are made to a contact record and ID533 hasn't sent an invite in the last six months, then another email invite will be sent to the contact as this is typically an indication that something has changed.
5. Customer will be directed to the screen below once they hit the link to register. They will need to enter their contact information and company number. It is imperative that they enter the company number included in the email rather than the company name, as company name will have to be entered EXACTLY as it exists in your eAutomate.
6. We will set this alert up in test mode first as it is a customer-facing alert for you. While in test mode, the alert will only send to any email recipient(s) listed in the To/CC/BCC section of your ID533 subscription and the process is limited to sending only three samples per day. Once the process is switched to live mode, we don't normally clear the previous test runs and will start "going forward."
7. The cover email is fully customizable and you have the option of adding an attachment to it. You can provide this intro letter to us in any format you create in (i.e. Word, PDF, notepad). We do not have a boiler plate or sample as this will need to be customized by you based on your best practices and branding. Once you've had a chance to review the samples, made any necessary changes to the cover email, and feel comfortable with the ID533 functionality, let us know at that you're ready to go live.
Please see below for screenshots of eInfo instructions provided by one of our clients:
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
1. Our ID533 process assumes you front-load the contacts, setting them up with specific permissions and THEN our automation sends them an invitation to establish their account. So when you use ID533 you set up the contact first, or re-visit an existing contact to set eInfo permissions, and the automation senses this and sends them an invitation to link into the portal. **Please note that updating eInfo rights for a user on the customer record will NOT trigger the process to send, you must make your updates on the contact record.
2. If the eInfo link and customer number are missing from the email, it is because the link hasn't been entered in eAutomate under Tools / Options / Misc. Options.
eInfo Set Up
eAutomate and eInfo Set Up
What your organization needs to set up in eAuto and eInfo prior to launching this alert:
(1) eAuto Set Up in Tools / Options / Misc Options:
(a) eInfo URL:
(b) Default permissions for eInfo users:
These global default security settings will automatically be assigned to each of your eInfo users created via eInfo. Any contacts created in eAuto will need to have security settings checked otherwise they will not receive invitation from ID533.
(2) eInfo Set Up:
Access your eInfo configuration via your web hosting server. You will see box named “Configure Gateway”
Inside this configuration you must set up as follows (check first three boxes in Dealer Signup Settings:
1. Sign Up
2. Enable immediate sign up
3. Send notification for all sign ups (this notification is to your dealership, not to client contact) – be sure to include email address this notification goes to
Below are instructions from eAuto on how to set up notice of eInfo registered users:
In the Dealer signup settings region, you configure how you want e-info to handle the creation of new e-info user accounts.
1. If you want to allow users to create a new account from the e-info homepage, check the Allow signup checkbox.
2. If you want the new users to be able to login to e-info immediately after they have created their account online, check the Enable immediate signup. If you leave this box unchecked new users created online, must contact their admin to activate their account. If the customer does not have an e-info admin, they must contact your company to activate the new user account(s).
3. If you would like to receive an email each time a new user is created, do the following.
a. Check the Send notifications for all signups checkbox.
b. In the Signup notification email field, enter the email address to which you want notification to be sent each time a new e-info user account is created.
And here is sample of email notification your dealership will receive:
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
None at this time
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