For some of our alerts including the Item Yield (315) and contract profit alert (150) we need to install DGIs new Analytic Tables. These tables will be released in a future version by DGI but we have permission to install them now. The advanced eViews available are extensive and reviewing contract profitability will be much faster. These are a Beta release and DGI will need you to sign a form to that extent (see link).
If you plan to contact DGI direct and install them yourself please check with us as to the version, we are currently supporting up to version
In order to install these tables we need temporary admin access to e-automate. We suggest you change the Admin password, give it to us and we will let you know when we are finished and you can change it back. We will try to do it within a couple of work hours although we like to update these tables after hours. This is not giving our user admin access, to install these tables you must be logged in as the Admin user. The new tables do require additional space, up to doubling the size of your e-Automate database, let us know if you are low on space please.
To clarify;
We need information from you before we can install the Analytics tables.
- We need access to the e-automate “Admin” user account. DGI has hardcoded the Analytics install process to require the actual e-automate user named "Admin". Any other user will fail when attempting to create the Analytics database, even if it had admin access. For your security, we do recommend that you temporarily change the password to the e-automate Admin account and change it back after we install.
- In order for us to able to create the Analytics database and tables, the ceojuice SQL user must have the SysAdmin Role on the SQL server that houses the e-automate database.
- The new tables do require additional space, up to doubling the size of your e-Automate database, let us know if you are low on space please.
SOS Analytics = 5945.31 MB