Wanted to give some credit to one of our clients IT guys for figuring out an ankle biter problem after he updgraded to v8! Users at Document Solutions were getting errors whenever they tried to access the main Sales Orders 'list' from either the Button or the Menu. The error message was "There has been an error initializing the Sales Order List". He made some calls into DGI tech support but they were stumped becuase of course the sales order lists worked in their environment and others were not reporting problems. They would reinstall the eautomate client and the sales order list would work for a bit..then fail again. Pat worked thru this and realized that it was caused when a user would try and open one of their 'Saved Searches' from v7.65 the Search was using some columns that were no longer in v8...so the search failed. However, when the user logged out and back in and went to sales order list it would immediately fail. Pat remembered that in the DGI client saves in the registry the last 'searches' for each of the main lists that a user access, so once they tried to use one of thos erroneous Saved Searched the users registry stored that, and any subsequent use caused the list to keep failing until the client was re-installed (which refreshed the registry settings again). Pat went thru and deleted/repaired the erroneous 'saved searches' so that users could not access them again amd the problem went away. One of those 'not really a bug...but dang sure frustrating' pains.
Kudos to Pat for working thru the issue and figuring out the problem on his own!!
v8 error "There has been an error initializing the Sales Order List"...
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