The Juice+ program is designed for our clients who want to take the CEOJuice relationship to the next level, and really want to "Get Juiced".
We recommend understanding and 'mastering' our existing program first, before looking into utilizing the Juice+ program. You may find that your requests are not that unique, and we already have the processes built and ready to go, all covered under the existing 'All Inclusive' Plan.
Program Information:
- Juice+ clients' requests are always reviewed & discussed by our dedicated development team.
- Juice+ clients do not wait for a process to gain traction with our other customers in order to build it. If it's not too complicated, we will build it straight away for you, and customize as needed.
- Juice+ clients are allowed to have customizations made to an existing process, if not possible we will build out a new process to exactly match your requirements.
- There is a quarterly limit of development hours allowed per client, the hours do not roll over to the next quarter, and are not transferrable to another CEOJuice client.
- The current maximum hours allowed are 45 hours of customized development work per quarter / every 3 months.
- Pricing is an additional $1,150 per month, this is on top of your current 'all inclusive' plan pricing.
- Contract is month to month, and you can cancel and switch back to the regular program at anytime.
CEOJuice will request from you:
- Submit no more than 3 (three) projects / requests at any given time.
- You agree that you / the client will Prioritize your projects / requests accordingly, and inform CEOJuice of those priorities. If a project priority changes, or is no longer needed, you must inform CEOJuice immediately, so we can make needed adjustments and/or cease work on a project.
- Any hours already used on the canceled project are not refundable back to your account for future use. Any 'future' hours that we had allocated for, but were not utilized on the 'canceled' project', will be made available to your account to be used on future projects for that quarter.
- Allocate one person from your company who will manage the CEOJuice projects on your side. This will include submitting each request to CEOJuice, assigning priorities, join any 'discovery meetings' that may be needed with our development team, and ensure the correct people from your company review/test tweaks or new builds in a timely manner.This way your company can determine which projects are priorities and need CEOJuice to work each quarter. This will eliminate CEOJuice taking requests/changes from multiple end users inside your company who all view their requests as a priority, but overall as a company the priorities may be very different. This will streamline communication between both companies, and allow you to effectively utilize your allotted 45 hours to the maximum.
- If a meeting is needed with your internal team and our development team to discuss the requests, clarification of a process, you will need to ensure you have the correct internal people on the meeting who will be able to answer our developers questions. Delays in providing this extend project timelines and add additional hours, and is not an effective use of your hours allotment. Note, a meeting may not always be required, we may be able to gather all information via email, with screenshots and detailed explanations of what is needed. If it is not clear, or we feel your end users are providing unintentional inaccurate/unclear information, we will request clarification (screenshots from within eAutomate are great) or a meeting to get more details, share screens to see the steps being used, and discuss options and what is / is not possible.
- We would highly recommend, if you are a client who only allows CEOJuice to access their server, via an online meeting with your IT, that you revisit options. Online meeting cause unnecessary delays, restraints during the build and testing process, on top of taking the time away from your IT person to be on a meeting. If we access and do 45 hours of work a quarter, that will require 45 hours of your IT person to be on a meeting providing access to the server. Click this link to review various connection options other than meet only.
- We require that the server where our software is installed is backed up on a regular basis. At a minimum the CEOJ db and CEOJ folder must be backed up. If you have a server failure and all data is lost, the custom work will also be lost. To re-do the work will go against future Juice+ hours. If the work is backed up in this instance, we can easily re-install.
What happens if you opt to leave the Juice+ Program, and revert back to the standard 'all inclusive' plan:
- You will keep your customized processes that were created under the Juice+ program
- If a customized process stops working AFTER you have reverted back to the standard plan, see the below:
- If a customized process breaks, due to no changes on your side. CEOJuice will work to fix and get you back up and running, all while you remain on the standard plan.
- If you upgrade an eAutomate version, and your customization/s stop working due to changes as a result of the eAutomate upgrade, CEOJuice will cover the work, and any fixes required will be covered under the standard plan.
- If a customized process breaks, due to you making changes on your side. To fix the process will require you to revert back to the Juice+ program & fee (even if it's temporary), in order for the changes to be put in place. An example of a change, if we build you an alert to trigger based on certain service calls, because your practice is to enter a call for such events. A year later you opt to change your process to now use supply orders…this is a change to the alert and original design. Therefore a fix would require you to be under the Juice+ program, even if it is only for the time period required to update the changes.
CEOJuice Pricing Structure, click here
If you have any questions or need additional clarification on how this project works, we are happy to meet with you, review the types of projects you are interested in pursuing, and we can let you know if your requests would be covered under this program. Email