
Option to purchase Software for $6,000

As part of the terms and conditions of our contract (designed by BTA attorney Robert Goldberg for our client's protection) we offer clients the option to purchase our software at any time for $6,000, keep any alerts in place and just pay ongoing maintenance at $995 per year. Our surveys are hosted by us and therefore not included in this option.

No client has exercised this option to date. 80% of what we do is validate data and share best practices, 20% is installing alerts. In addition we find alerts need to be continually updated and we roll out 4 or 5 new alerts each month as new problems arise.

In theory you could install our 20 most popular alerts in the 1st 90 days, pay us $6k and then just keep and maintain them. You are welcome to do this, we just don't think you will want to.

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