
DGI - 8.1 release notes

1.Accounting Comparative Financials

Use Case

Users would like to have a more robust comparative financial reporting package. This would include the following core features:

  • Income statement quarterly comparison showing all four quarters and the current and prior YTD numbers
  • Income statement for the current period showing current and prior YTD numbers
  • Monthly comparison income statement for rolling 12 months
  • Balance sheet quarterly comparison showing all four quarters and the current and prior YTD numbers
  • Balance sheet for the current period showing the current and prior YTD numbers
  • Monthly comparison balance sheet for rolling 12 months


Reports should be exportable to Excel for further analysis and user review.

2. Administration Metrics Page

Use Case

Users would like an administration metrics page that includes user activity, security, and error metrics. Specifically, this should include the following core requirements.

  1. Add the ability to log pertinent information regarding specific user activity or events which have occurred within the system to a repository that can be viewed and analyzed for the purpose of noting trends or issuing alerts.
  2. Provide an interface which allows access to the activity log information by an “average” e-automate system administrator; this should be a high level console view of metrics which can be drilled into for greater detail.

Create an initial API which can be incrementally enhanced over a period of time into something more robust as needs are identified.

3.System Administration Report Integrator

Use Case

Users would like the ability to administratively organize their custom reports more easily; specifically they would like to be able to put them into categories or under the standard report groups.



4. AP Console Toolbar Button

Use Case

Users would like to have a toolbar button for the AP (Payables) Console similar to the AR (Receivables) Console button that currently exists. Currently it takes a single click to reach the AR Console and three clicks to reach the AP Console.

5. AP Include Distribution Codes

Use Case

Users would like to have a sticky distribution or template for invoices. Most invoices or vendors are repetitive and the same GL accounts are keyed in each time an invoice is received. Allocating based on a fixed distribution percentage would also be beneficial. It removes the need to rekey. Copying an old invoice works, but may lead to copying incorrect information.

6. Cashbook - Transactions Menu Option

Use Case

Currently users have to use the menu structure to access the Cashbook Transactions listing. Many features related to Cashbook are available on the toolbar menu button for Cashbook. Users would like to include Transactions as one of the items available on this menu button.

7. Extend Password Length

Use Case

Users would like the password field associated with user accounts extended past the current twelve character limit.

8. Filter Related Items By Category

Use Case

                Users would like to be able to have better filtering options on related items. Specifically, when entering a sales order currently all items that have been added to the related items tab show up. They would like to have the ability to further filter the list by item category.

9. GL Period Displayed On Edit or Void

Use Case

Users would like to have the period displayed while processing edit or void transactions so that they can see the current period and the original transaction period. This leads into an option to change the period impacted, but at a minimum they want to see the period affected by the pending change.

10. Instant Meter Requests

Use Case

Users would like to be able to create a meter request to be sent out when working from various places within the application including the billing console, equipment list, contract list and the meter reading console. Instant meter requests will be sent by e-mail to the user specified contact.

11. Last Meter Date/Request Date Display

Use Case

Users would like to see the date the last meter request was sent and the date the last meter was collected in the Billing Meter Queue List.

12. Sales Sortable or Resortable Items

Use Case

Currently the line items on sales orders are listed in the order in which they were added to the order. Users would like the ability to manually reorder items on a sales order.

13. Search by Equipment Number

Use Case

Users would like the Equipment Number added as a search option in the AR Console. Customer refer to this number when ordering supplies or service and have become accustomed to using this number as a primary identifier. Additionally, it would be nice to also be able to search by equipment on the Contracts Invoice list, Sales Invoice list, and Customer list in order to return the related records associated with the specific piece of equipment.

14. Meter Validation

Use Case

When voiding a service call invoice due to the wrong equipment being specified, the system does not currently invalidate any meter readings associated with the service call. Users would like to have the option of having service call related meter readings invalidated when service calls are voided.





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