
List of alerts sent directly to our Clients' Customers - "Customer Facing" alerts:

Below is a list of alerts that are sent direct to your customers.

*indicates a popular process CEOJuice recommends


*ID109 - Closed Call Survey (clones are ID524, ID525, ID526, ID527 and ID528)

*ID220 - Supply Order Survey (clones are ID529, ID727, ID728, ID729 and ID730)

*ID312 - New Equipment Install Survey (clones are ID679, ID680, ID681 and ID682)

ID81 -   Lost Customer Survey

ID243 - Survey sent to customer for contract billing feedback

ID271 - Internal Employee survey

ID373 - Survey the executive contact /decision maker (clones are ID791, ID792, ID793, ID794 and ID795)

ID379 - Site Survey to send before an install

ID406 - Survey everyone (every contact with an email)

ID480 - Annual Survey based on Contract Start Date

ID778 - Survey for Equipment Delivery Calls (clones are ID779, ID780, ID781 and ID782)

ID505 - Survey from ConnectWise calls (clone is ID669)

ID145 - Survey sent from Compass after a sales appointment

ID788 - This alert is designed for clients who have customers that want to see the results of surveys that their users have completed to gauge the satisfaction of the company

*ID765 - This alert is only for people using the Net Promoter Score. If someone responds to the NPS question and scores you 9 or 10 out of 10 and optionally, they take the time to post a comment, then they are very likely big fans. This alert would send them an automated email, saying glad you like our service, we would love if you would click this link to recommend us on our LinkedIn/Facebook/Google page. Suggest the from address be your CEO/President.

Other types of alerts that are emailed direct:

*ID54 - New call opened/dispatched/closed emails to your customers Help Desk (clones are ID738 and ID748)

ID149 - Meter Estimation Letter to send to your customers

*ID181 - New call opened/dispatched/closed emails to your customer, person listed in service call (clones are ID854, ID855, ID856, ID857 and ID858)

*ID200 - Emails supply shipment notifications (clones are ID618 and ID718)

*ID213 - Past Due Mini Statements (clones are ID224, ID226, ID229, ID236 and ID239)

*ID216 - Emails confirmation of supply order (clone is ID655)

ID404 - Alert your customer On New Meters from specified source. A clients customer wanted to be notified when FM Audit sent in a automated meter reading.

ID412 - Send Customer CSV file by Equipment Location with BW / Color Meter Charges to Contract Contact 

ID426 - Send Equipment Contact CSV file by Equipment Location with BW / Color Meter Charges. This alert combines all the equipment assigned to common contact and sends an email to each equipment contact with all equipment assigned to them.

ID447 - Alert to start conversation with customer at end of lease driven by: Lease Ending/Service Frequency/ Usage Level

ID457 - One-Time Email Blast Message to all contacts

*ID533 - New e-info welcome email to your customers

ID687 - Deposit Based Contract History Detail report for customer reconciliation 

ID701 - Notify our clients Customers' Help Desk Contact of details on service calls that are on hold for parts 

ID702 - Notify Customer of Contract Due to Terminate 

ID732 - Thank You Email for Equipment Invoices / ID89 - Thank you Letter (printed for mailing) to your customers

ID753 - Email Customer Tracking Info for Drop Ship Orders

ID776 - Customer follow up required for on hold calls. This alert is for a process to 'follow up' with the customer to make sure that the tasks they were responsible for are done.

 *ID800 - Past Due Invoices emailed to your customers

ID873 - This alert is a call summary designed to be sent to your customer and reports all calls currently open and all calls closed since the last summary was sent. 


Designed to go to other dealers:

ID764 - Send snapshot of most recent closed call in service call history to the Ship In Dealer 

ID498 - Sending Meter Reads to Other Dealers

ID471 - Send Closed Call Ticket with part details to the Ship In Dealer

ID890 - Syncing service calls between two dealers

Designed to go to Vendors:

ID251 - Send email with PO (to vendor Optionally) based upon PO Ordertype in Variable W

ID277 - To send an email to the vendor for Drop Shipped POs.  

ID428 - Send Email to Contact for selected customers (custom property) on supplies order types that order is in process. 

Note that some alerts may be in a status of building or Development, therefore not ready for install. Please check at for current status, or email



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