
Problems loading SSRS reports

If you are able to access the reports folder but can't launch a specific report it is likely a security issue in eAutomate, see here.

If you are confident you have the correct web page, are using Internet Explorer and not Chrome etc. but get a message saying IE can not display the page it is typically a Firewall issue. 


If you were able to access either the report or the App then the name resolved so that is good news. If not try replacing the server name with the IP Address.

We don’t default to port 80 since many clients have IIS or a similar web server running on 80 already.

Please try one of these links to see if one works. 

Ensure you have http with no 's', not https.

(replace ceojuiceserver with the correct computer name for your install) 



If these don't work it most likely is a firewall on port 8888. Contact your IT and ask them to open TCP, port 8888 AND port 80 on the firewall of the CEO Juice server.  

Try a reboot! We have seen an issue where a domain password was due to be reset and the SSRS login would not work until reset.



Trouble printing?

Use the drop downs under save icon, export to excel, save file and then print:


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