
ID221 - eAutomate Users Not Set Up Correctly Overview & Sample:

Ensure eAuto Employee Records set with needed UserID, Name and Email Address

Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips |  Related Alerts

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It is important to have an Employee Record set up for each eAuto user AND for each record be linked to a login UserID AND have a valid email address in their record. eAuto stamps each transaction with the login user. This ensures you can track activity. Link is also required for Remote Tech users.

Additionally, many of our alerts show the creator/updator of a record and/or transaction. This linking is also necessary for any of our alerts to be sent to TO CREATOR (the creator of the transaction). The database stores the UserID who created/updated a transaction and we take that UserID to do a cross lookup to the Employee Record to find the email address for the creator/updator. We can't report correct info back to you unless these fields are populated. 

Run Schedule: Daily

Type of Output: Email


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ID221Variables.PNGVariable X: List any users you want to exclude (separated by comma), otherwise will consider all except RT and CEOJuice

Variable Y: List Branch Numbers for alert to trigger on (leave blank for ALL)



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Alert looks at creators of Sales Order and/or Service Calls in the last 72-hours and reports on any missing UserID, Name and/or email address.

2. Alert will NOT report on user CEOJuice or RT (Remote Tech).

3. If alert is showing the same user multiple times, that is because that user is referenced multiple times in eAuto (on Sales Orders and Service Calls) Once the required information has been supplied they will fall off your list.



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. For every eAuto Employee Record make sure you populate Number, Login user ID, First Name, Last Name and Email:


Note that if you are using eTMS instead of Remote Tech, this alert may notify you that there is an issue with the employee record when there is not. If you've checked each field on the record and it's correct, please reach out to as we have a fix for this. 

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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID245 - Sales Rep Email and/or Manager Assignment Missing


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