
eAgent - Set up auto invoicing and sending invoices in Eautomate

Eautomate / Eagent has the capability to auto invoice and auto send invoices. This outlines how to setup that process. First you need to enable queuing. Go to Tools\Options\Company\Edit Main Branch Settings.


On the Report Options tab you will see boxes for Use Queuing for each module, Sales Invoices, Service Invoices, Contract Invoices and Misc Charge Invoices. Put a check mark in the box next to each one you want to be automatically pushed to the queue.


You can set it to Auto Approve Invoices Sent to the Document Queue if you have Require Approval enabled on Sales Invoices. Leave the boxes unchecked for Queue Zero Dollar Invoices and Queue Credit/Debit Memos if you don't want those to be automatically pushed to the queue. If you don't want to manually invoice zero dollar invoices but also don't want them automatically sent through this process then go ahead and check the box to Queue Zero Dollar Invoices and sign up for alert ID697. ID697 will automatically remove zero dollar invoices from the document queue so you don't have to manually manage zero dollar invoices. If you want invoices to be printed and emailed automatically then you need to check the boxes for Send Print Invoices to the Document Queue and Send Email Invoices to the Document Queue.


Whether the invoice is Printed or Emailed is set in the Customer Record under Invoice Method. Make sure to set the Accounts Receivable Contact on the Customer Record. This will determine who the invoice is sent to. Also make sure to set the preferred method of contact and the email address within the contact record of the AR Contact. Use ID387 to identify any customer records that don't have an AR contact with an email address set in the Contact Record. Next you need to setup the Eagent task to Auto Invoices the invoices.


Go into Eagent and click New. You will need to setup a separate task to Auto Invoice Service Contracts, Auto Invoice Sales Orders and Auto Invoice Service Calls. Click on the task you want to create and click Ok.


You can filter by certain contracts and/or certain customers if you don't want all contracts and customers to auto invoice. The Ignore Warnings settings will automatically override any contract warnings that would normally appear in the billing queue. Most people do not have this set to override warnings to avoid billing problems. They will usually manually review any warnings and override them once they are reviewed. Check the box to Send Invoices to the Document Queue so they can be automatically emailed or printed. Leave the box unchecked to Move to Ready, but do not Invoice. The Notification Email Address should be set to the person that needs to review the list of invoices that were auto invoiced. Once this task is setup you need to setup the task to Auto Send the Invoices.


Click New in Eagent again and select the Auto Send Customer Documents task and click Ok.

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You will want to setup a separate task for Print, Email and Faxing invoices automatically. Input the desired Subject and Email Message in the task. This will be the subject and body of the email with the invoice attached. The Notification Email should go to the person who should be reviewing the list of invoices sent out.


You can select which types of invoices you want automatically sent and filter by certain customers and/or branches. You can also set whether to auto send Customer Statements. The customer statements can be set to include the customers Credit Limit. The Period Length field is for customer statements so it will break down their balances in the period range you specify.

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On the Email Settings tab is where you set the email address the invoices should be sent from. Make sure to input an email address that can be replied to in case your customers reply with questions to the email. You can also set a BCC address for anyone else who should be on copy. After creating your tasks make sure to set a schedule for them to run.Auto_Invoicing_Setup_10.jpg

Click on your task in the Eagent window and click Schedule. Assign the proper schedule for each of your tasks.

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