
ID35 & ID47 Process for Maintaining Service Coverage until Contract Set Up - Overview & Sample:

ID35 and ID47 can be used together to ensure you maintain service coverage for new devices until the service contract is set up and don't accidentally bill a new customer for supplies.

Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips |  Related Alerts

Click to Subscribe to ID35

Click to Subscribe to ID47



This is a process to ensure that new equipment delivered to a customer receives the appropriate service and supplies until the contract is set up in eAutomate. This is done by setting a specific Bill Code on the equipment record's Bill Code field that would be a service/supply inclusive code so service and supplies are not billed to the customer before the equipment is added to a contract. When the equipment has been installed for a certain number of days (must have an Install Date set in equipment record), ID35 will tell you if the equipment is still not added onto a contract. ID47 will notify you of equipment that is on an active contract but still has a service/supply inclusive bill code.


Run Schedule: Daily Mornings

Type of Output: Email


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 ID35 Sample


ID47 Sample



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ID35 Variables:


Variable W: Bill Code Description String. Enter a string which is contained in the Description of the Bill Code you wish to trigger (for instance 'Warranty Install' and 'Warranty Replacement' both contain the string 'Warranty')

Variable Y: Bill Codes. Enter the bill codes (not descriptions) you want the alert to trigger on. If there are specific bill codes to trigger on, enter them here separated by a comma. Alert requires that either Variable W or Y has a bill code to trigger on.

Variable X: Days past install date. The number of days past the install date on the equipment record to begin triggering the alert. The default value is 5.

ID47 Variables:


Variable W: Bill Code Description String. Enter a string which is contained in the Description of the Bill Code you wish to trigger (for instance 'Warranty Install' and 'Warranty Replacement' both contain the string 'Warranty')

Variable Y: Bill Codes. Enter the bill codes (not descriptions) you want the alert to trigger on. If there are specific bill codes to trigger on, enter them here separated by a comma. Alert requires that either Variable W or Y has a bill code to trigger on.

Variable X: Branch Numbers. Branch numbers for alert to trigger on, leave blank for all.



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

Requires Install date on equipment record to be set.




For all equipment sold that you want to monitor via these alerts, edit equipment record to change bill code to an "all inclusive/temporary" bill code i.e. install, or temporary coverage. The bill code should be set up to have everything covered (supplies, parts & labor) so newly placed machine do not bill for service or supplies. This is the bill code that will be listed in the variable of the subscriptions (as detailed above).




When you fulfill/bill sales order, be sure to change the status to “Sold”. (The alert will only notify of equipment sold on a Sales Order.) This should be done by right clicking on equipment record as shown here:




AND then change status to “sold” as shown here:



Once the equipment is on a contract, you need to switch the equipment bill code back to your default “time&material” billcode you use on all equipment. ID47 will let you know when you forget to do this.

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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips




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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID100 - New Call opened for equipment that has a status of Demo (VariableW), giving the tech and sales a heads up that this demo equipment just had a service call.


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