How to Get Started and Use the Training Program
Upon enrollment you will be emailed instructions to download a small application on your PC. (Companies such as American Express, FedEx, and Coca-Cola are using this program so it should not create any IT issues for your company.) Once the app is downloaded the lessons are pushed to each rep on a pre-determined weekly schedule. A small blue box appears in the lower right corner of their monitor which tells them they have a lesson waiting. They can take the lesson then or postpone it depending on their schedule. If they postpone it the box disappears and reappears the following day until the lesson is completed.
When they elect to take the lesson they are directed to the password protected SalesCoach Learning Library site where the appropriate module appears. They watch the videos and when completed they can return to the original screen and, if ready, agree to take a short 10 question assessment on the material in the module. They receive instant results and feedback on their answers to each question. Questions which are missed are pushed back out to them at a later date.
This process is replicated after the first 6 weeks although the lessons and assessments are shorter.
Access to the SalesCoach Learning Library is available as long as the rep is enrolled in the program.
The reporting system provides the dealer with an opportunity to monitor the results and participation of each rep and the group as a whole. This enables you to identify gaps in knowledge and, if you choose, conduct individual or group training to address the gaps.
From an IT standpoint, only the small app resides on the PC. The rest of the program is cloud based.
We suggest you start with 2 or three sales people before rolling out to the entire team, email to get started.