
Are There Risks for trying CEO Juice out?

We make it very easy for you to try our services out. We need about 30 minutes with your IT person and we do the rest. We test your data for the problems we typically see and meet with you to review the results before we send our 1st invoice.

After 60 days we will have tested and helped clean up your data, we may have identified unbilled revenue and we let you keep key reports we install.

Two examples of key reports we will suggest in the initial meeting are our Contract Profit Report and Parts Warranty.

Contract Profit

See details on this report here, in the 1st 60 days we expect to not only get this report installed but we will review your worst performing contracts either with you or for you. We will ensure the data is accurate and help you put an action plan in place.

Parts Warranty

We highlight an average of $35,000 per month per client of parts that may eligible for a warranty refund. We also install a custom report that you can run on demand. We have lots of feedback from dealers talking about large checks ($20k+) they have got back from manufacturers when they were able to prove that a part was failing across their base even if the part was not under warranty rules.

These reports are yours to keep if you cancel although we will not provide ongoing support.



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