This alert notifies you when you may have metered equipment records in your system that are not set up to properly collect meters from customers using the automated collection tool in e-Automate.
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This alert reviews metered equipment that is active on a contract with meter groups to validate that you are collecting meters on as much equipment as possible. The alert validates the three areas below. This will review equipment that may be on an automated meter collection software such as FMAudit, and if that is the case, you'll need to create a contact for the collection software and put it on the equipment in order to have the alert not report that a contact is missing. See more in the Best Practices section further below in this documentation.
- If equipment is missing a meter contact
- If meter contact is set to email, fax or phone as preferred method but “Use Automatic Meter Reading Request” on equipment record is NOT checked marked
- If equipment meter is not set to “Require Meter Reading”
Run Schedule: Wednesday mornings
Type of Output: Email
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Variable W: Enter how many days from today the equipment's next overage billing is scheduled for. This variable is required.
Variable X: Enter 'Exclude' if you do not want to be notified of equipment with contacts listed that have a contact method of 'Phone'. Leave blank to have the alert include these instances.
Variable Z: Enter the meter types to exclude or leave blank to include all.
Variable Y: Enter Branch Number(s) to trigger on, separate by comma, or leave blank for ALL
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. Alert reviews metered equipment records that are on a service contract that bills with meter groups to determine if the next scheduled overage bill date is within the days you listed in Variable W from today and keeps those equipment records for further review
2. Alert reviews the equipment found in step 1 in three different ways
a. Does equipment have a meter contact listed?
b. Does meter contact listed have a preferred contact method of email, fax or phone but the "use automatic meter reading request" box is not check marked?
c. Is the equipment not set up to require a meter reading? It will be blank in the required column if not required.
d. is meter type inactive even if listed as active on Equipment Record? it is possible for a meter to be set as active on Equipment Record, but then someone changes that meter type to inactive via Lists & Codes:
3. Alert will report on all found from steps above. Note that if you do not want to review contacts with a contact method of 'phone' to alert when the automatic meter reading box is unchecked you will indicate this in Variable X of the alert
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
1. For equipment in your system that receives its meters from a collection software such as FMAudit, you'll want to exclude those machines from this alert since you don't collect manually. You can create a contact with a preferred contact method of Phone (if you've opted for the alert to omit Phone in Variable X) or Mail and add that contact as the meter contact on the equipment record. See our best practice on creating new contacts in this link.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID876 - Missing Meters - Overview & Sample
ID968 - Insert Meter Readings from External Sources Overview & Sample
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