
ID315 - What Level to Trigger On:

ID315/Excessive Toner Alert gives you the option (via Variable1) to select what level to trigger on:


0 - Fires at BillToCustomer Level

1 - Fires at Customer Level

2 - Fires at ShipTo Customer Level

3 - Fires at Contract Level

The majority of our clients choose to trigger this alert at the Contract Level. This means the alert looks at the equipment under the contract and reports on the number of models under that contract. 

If you select to fire at Customer OR BillTo or ShipTo Customer Level, please note the alert is looking at highlighted fields below on SalesOrders:

1. Trigger at the Customer Level means this alert will look at the order history for this model and report on excessive toner history based on Customer Number assigned.

2. Trigger at the BillToCustomer Level means this alert will look at the order history for this model and report on excessive toner history based on BillToCustomer Number assigned.

3. Trigger at the ShipToCustomer Level means this alert will look at the order history for this model and report on excessive toner history based on ShipToCustomer Number assigned.

Why consider triggering at anything other than Contract Level?

ShipTo level makes a lot of sense if your practice is to place equipment on multiple contracts at the same physical location (an extreme example would be clients running under a one-copier-one-contract business practice). Customer and BillTo only really make sense if you're not interested in managing the details but instead want notification of bigger problems (why is this BillTo burning through HP2100 toner? Maybe because they only put half their HP2100 fleet on the MPS contract...) Customer and ShipTo will often be the same thing, depending upon business practice, but for instance the customer might be the hospital and the ShipTo's various floors or departments.

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