Identifies your Key Services on Customer Records.
Jump to Overview | Samples | Alert Functionality | Variables | Missing Custom Properties | Best Practices & Tips | Webinar
Most dealers have their standard copier accounts, also offer managed print, have a few document management accounts and are starting to get managed IT going. In this case you have four main services you offer, Copiers, Managed Print, Doc Management and Managed IT. Understanding who is not using all of your services is key especially if they are clients in an industry that typically uses that service. We write customer's qualifying Key Services(s) to e-Auto Custom Property, Sales & Service Message, to our QBR, and can push to HubSpot.
Run Schedule: Daily
Type of Output: Email
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Daily email summarizing ZCJKeyServices added/changed:
Update of Service/Sales Message in eAuto:
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VariableW: ZCJKeyServices - Custom Property our alert will use to populate qualifying Customer Records with Key Service(s)
VariableY: If you'd like to add Sales and Service Message, then populate VariableY with the verbiage you'd like included. For example, "These are Key Services" populated in VariableY and added to Sales/Service Message:
We will NEVER overwrite what existing Sales & Service Messages you have already listed. We will write our Key Services messages below any existing:
VariableZ: Branch numbers to trigger on, separated by comma, blank for ALL
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. Click here for how to set up your Key Services
2. We will start by installing in Test Mode as you work on building your Key Services. While in Test Mode, you will receive emails showing what Key Service(s) would be written to each Customer Record.
3. When the Key Services task runs each night, it provides two emails when applicable. One showing changes made to Key Services Custom Property on Customer Records (based on your Key Service mapping app) and a second providing list of Customer Records lacking the configuration (without the configuration, we cannot write the Key Service(s) to the Custom Property).
4. There are three steps involved in determining who is or is not using your key services.
- Ensure that everything you sell is categorized correctly. We use the same model segments (ECi calls them model categories) that most dealers are familiar with. However, while most understand that a desktop copier is probably a segment 1, also understand that computers, routers, scanning software and even furniture and water needs to have a model category. We suggest you start with our report to review your models in the field - ID923 - MIF Report.
- We have a related process to determine if your sales territories are equally balanced. We suggest you also subscribe to ID683 - Current MIF Sales Opportunity.
- We built an app that allows you to a) list your Key Service and b) determine what mix of Model Category / Contract Type or GL Account constitutes a customer using a Key Service. If, for example, a customer has a zero-cost single user license of eCopy Desktop that they have never registered, are they a Document Management customer? More on this process here.
5. We can write your Key Services to your Sales and Service Messages to help ensure your staff see what Key Services the Customer qualifies for:
Requires you list in VariableY the message you would like before we list the Key Service(s). For example, in screenshot above clients has 'Current Key Services' listed in their VariableY:
While in Test Mode, only those emails listed in To/CC/BCC will receive email showing what Sales and Service message changes would be made. Once running live, that email will no longer send, BUT the email reporting on Key Services changed to Customer Record will state we also updated Sales and Service messages to match.
6. Our processes runs each night and updates a single custom property (ZCJKeyServices) on the Customer Record in e-automate, plus sends an email notifying you of which Customer Records changed. Key Services are dynamic, so they change as your customers qualify/disqualify for a given Key Service.
7. Subscription Send To Settings:
- Send To Sales Rep and/or Sales Rep's Manager will ONLY receive emails showing what Key Services updated. They will not receive email notifying of Customer Records missing Custom Property Configuration.
- Send to Branch Roles will ONLY receive emails showing what Key Services updated. They will not receive email notifying of Customer Records missing Custom Property Configuration.
- Any emails set in To/CC/BCC/Teams Channel Email will receive BOTH emails showing Key Services updated and Customer Records missing Custom Property Configuration. Be sure you have at least one email in one of these send to designations.
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Custom Properties missing from Customer Records:
Custom Properties Missing from Customer Records
In order for our alert to write Key Service to ZCJKeyServices Custom Property, your Customer Records must be configured for Custom Properties.
The alert will provide list of Customer Records that either lack a configuration in the Custom Properties tab or have a Custom Property selected that doesn't include ZCJKeyServices:
If your Customer Records are lacking the configuration, you need to complete this via the bulk update feature within Configurations (accessed via Tools/Lists & Codes/Configurations(Custom Properties). Select 'Customer' and then select the 'Assign' button:
This will take you to tracking configuration assignment:
1. Set your Tracking group as Customer Properties
2. Set Configuration as Customer Records Configuration (you will need to scroll to bottom of quick search fields available to find 'configuration')
3. Quick Search Filter by Configuration equals [BLANK]
This will show you all Customer Records lacking Configuration. Once you bulk update these, then these Customer Records will be set to allow for Custom Properties. In turn, next time your Key Services alert (ID789) runs, it will populate their qualifying Key Service on the Customer Record Custom Properties tab.
Select OK or Apply. You will see this warning come up, which is OK if you have no other Custom Properties used on Customer Records:
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
1. We suggest using the integration we have with HubSpot to automate marketing to these companies, but there is no reason why you can't import these lists into Marketo, Pardot etc. No reason also why you can just print them out and hand them to the sales team to call. With HubSpot you can dissect this a little better by also looking at industries, especially industries we know should be using these services. We can dissect it further by looking at company size and even start to factor in things like which customers are very happy with the service you currently provide (Promoters) and who are your most profitable customers. It's important you follow our setup instructions, for example, your Managed Print contract setup needs to be separate from regular printer repair. We also believe it's important to have data like this identified before you sign up for HubSpot.
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