
Creating new database and SQL Server Authentication User

Creating new database 1) Open SQL Management Studio and login. 2) In the tree on the left, right click on Databases, go to New Database…

3) Type CEOJuice into the database name.

4) Scroll to the right to confirm the location of the database files. If the default location is not preferred, you can change it here (For example if you have a hard drive other than C:\ with more space)

5) On the left hand side of the window, click Options

6) Change the Recovery Model to Simple

7) Click OK Creating SQL Server Authentication User 1) Open SQL Server Management Studio and login. 2) In the tree on the left, expand Security –> Logins, right click on Logins and select New Login…

3) Type CEOJuice in the login name, change the user type to SQL Server Authentication, Specify a password

4) Uncheck Enforce Password Expiration and change the default database to CEOJuice

5) On the left, choose User Mapping.

6) Check the Map check box next to the CEOJuice database, and check db_owner in the bottom pane, third from the bottom. Repeat for live eauto database, CoSystem, and Analytics databases.

7) Click OK.

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