To change subscription settings like recipients and variable settings you will need to be logged on to the subscription site and then follow these steps:
1. Select 'Subscriptions' from the top menu bar:
2. Enter alert ID# (DO NOT include the letters ID, just enter the #) in the Search by ID# field, then click on the ID number to see the alert details:
3. Within the alert subscription, the Details tab shows the alert overview and is where you subscribe to the alert (1), see the output status (2) and snooze the alert (3):
(1) Click on the "Click to Subscribe" button to subscribe to the alert.
(2) The Output Status indicates if the alert is Active (available for general release) or in Development (Dev., Beta, Build)
(3) Snooze Function - If you would like to put an alert on hold for a brief time period, you can snooze the alert by clicking on the Not Snoozed button and entering a date to end the snooze. You will receive an email reminding you to turn the alert back on on the snooze date.
4. The Email Output section is where you can set the subject line of the alert (1), the send from address (2) and the send to recipients (3):
5. Click on the Variables tab to view and set the variable options for the alert:
6. The Related Processes tab of the alert shows you related alerts and whether they are required for the alert you are looking at (1) and also if you are subscribed to the alert (2):
7. The Revision Log tab of the alert will show you the list of revisions to the alert, click on the Load Revision Log (1) to see this information. This is also where you find the currect version number for the alert, and the version that you are running (2):
8. The Install Log tab will show you the changes made to the alert, specific to your dealership. Click on the Load Install Log button (1) to see this list: