ID131 assumes the practice of creating a ‘dummy’ Equipment Record for every DCA (FMAudit Installation). This serves two purposes – first, it gives visibility inside the eAutomate client into which customer locations have a functioning DCA install monitoring other Eqp at that location. Second, it provides a record inside eAutomate to which calls can be attached for the purposes of tracking labor on the initial install and any service or maintenance required on the DCA software or the computer hosting it.
This alert monitors that business practice by looking directly into the FMAudit DB to determine which customer locations have a functioning FMAudit installation and comparing that to the Equipment Records for those installations inside eAutomate. The alert will report any customer location being monitored in FMAudit that does not have a corresponding Equipment Record. For this purpose an ‘FMAudit Equipment Record’ is simply an Active Equipment Record assigned to that location and of a specific Model. All the other details are at your discretion and may by modified to suit your individual business practice.
The installer will need to be informed of the dummy ‘Model’ in eAutomate that you are using to create these Equipment Records, that value will be hardcoded into the alert logic and is not something that can be controlled from the subscription on our website. The alert will not function, and in fact cannot be turned on, until we have that information coded in.
Sample output for ID131 contains EA Customer Number, EA Customer Name, FMAudit Name, FMAudit Street and FMAudit Install Location, as shown below:
This alert has no variables.