How to review your active CEOJuice processes:
1) Obtain a list of all your activated processes and who is receiving them. ID78 emails this list out in excel once a month, or email and ask for a list of subscribed alerts and corresponding recipients.
2) Access the email account where we BCC all your alerts to so you can easily retrieve a copy of a recent , this is not a requirement so you may not be set up for this, but we highly recommend having all your alerts BCC to a generic unmonitored email account that you can log into as needed. Use to view alerts sent out at any given time, see more here. Email our Helpdesk to confirm if your account is set up to BCC all your alerts, confirm what email is set up OR let us know what email to use. You can then search this mailbox by searching the ID#, for example to view the ID768 emails, search "ID768".
3) Review the output with your company. Review by group i.e. service, supplies, inventory, accounts receivable, contracts etc or meet with the heads of each department, and review the processes that are running, and ask the questions:
a) Is this alert helpful/beneficial?
b) Are they going to the right people? Make changes to the subscription as needed
c) Does the alert need further explanation/clarification? Reach out to our helpdesk and ask for more details on what the alert is reporting.
d) If the alert is not beneficial to your company, then log into search by the alert ID#, edit the subscription and Unsubscribe to turn the process off for the company.
There are videos below that walk you through a review of what CEO Juice is doing for you (we ask for your email as we like to track who has watched which video). You can skip forward but also pick the next video by a mouse over on the right. The videos have links to relevant documentation as you watch.
You are welcome to email and set up a live online review, watch the videos and review internally or you are welcome to do a combination of both.
If you are not at all familiar with CEO Juice we suggest you start by clicking here.
1st video is focused on Contract Profit and Excessive Toner and generally making sure you do something with the data we send you.
2nd video is on the supporting processes needed to make these 1st two work, along with a few other key processes.
3rd video is deciding what additional processes to look at, how to search the website