
Exporting Power BI Pages

While Power BI Reports and Dashboards are really intended for real-time use via the Power BI App, sometimes you will need to or want to export to excel or PDF. This can be done from either the Workspace or the App.


To Excel:

This is done by hovering your mouse over the area you wish to export. Doing so will then show some actionable buttons including the three dots labeled 'More Options':


image (1).png


Select 'Export data':

image (2).png


Please note: only the data you see on your screen will export. So if you need the drill down (accordion +/- signs) level of detail, you will need your view to include BEFORE you export.

PBI toExcel.png

Select 'Data with current layout':

image (3).png

Once completed, you will find the exported data in your downloads folder on your workstation:

image (4).png



Under Export, select PDF:

image (4).png


Then be sure to select 'Only export current page':

image (5).png

Once completed, you will find the exported data in your downloads folder on your workstation:

image (6).png


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