
ID88 - UnFulfilled Sales Orders for Type W and X Days Unfilled Overview & Sample:

Keep track of orders based on Order Type and days unfulfilled

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Alerts the appropriate person(s) of sales orders with Type W that are unfullfilled longer than X number of days. Sometimes orders drop through the cracks, so this is to remind the operator to follow up. We show the available warehouse quantity for all fulfillment bins for that item for the default warehouse assigned to the branch on the salesorder).


Run Schedule: Daily afternoon

Type of Output: Email


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Variable W: Order Type(s) to trigger on (separate by comma)

Variable X: Days UnFulfilled

Variable Y: Branch Numbers for alert to trigger on (leave blank for ALL)



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

-Alert reports on any Sales Orders matching Order Type you have set in VariableW that are more than VariableX days since create date:



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

-Use alert ID221 to ensure eAuto users have a UserID and email address so this alert can send to the creator of the Sales Order




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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID221 - Ensure eAutomate Users not set up correctly 

ID246 - List all Open Supply Sales Orders / Unconverted eInfo Sales Quotes Status

ID475 - Daily Report of all Unfulfilled Sales Orders for selected ordertype(s) / Status(es)


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