
ID964 Version 20240520 - New Features

The newest version of the ID964 Agreement Sync has many new features, the list below is an overview with links to the full documentation for each feature. This version of ID964 also requires that ID747 is running.

  • After the contract has been invoiced in e-automate, the Bill Contract box on the contract will be unchecked. The contract will not come into the contract billing queue until the next time an invoice is generated in ConnectWise.
    • If the contract has an accrual cycle (billing period is greater than monthly) the sync will not uncheck this box.
  • Option to move ConnectWise invoice number to remarks instead of PO field. **If you would like to use this option, you will need to send an email to requesting the change.
    • If using this option, any PO number on the agreement in ConnectWise will sync to the PO field on the contract.
    • Additionally, there is an option to suppress the ConnectWise invoice number from displaying in the remarks field on the contract invoice.
  • Option to update the status of the invoice in ConnectWise after it has been synced to e-automate. **If you would like to use this option, you will need to send an email to requesting the change.
  • Map additions to specific locations in e-automate. **If you would like to use this option, you will need to send an email to requesting the change.
  • Attachments to the agreement in ConnectWise will sync to the contract in e-automate.
  • Check for expired and canceled agreements in ConnectWise, and update the linked contract in e-automate to terminated.
  • An email is sent when the default template is used to create items or contracts.
  • The billing site on the agreement links to the bill to customer on the contract in e-automate.
  • Options for updating the sales rep on the contract in e-automate. **If you would like to use this option, you will need to send an email to requesting the change. 
    • Pull the sales rep assigned to the customer record in e-automate.
    • Add a custom field in ConnectWise to specify the sales rep to use.
  • Option to specify the branch to use on all contracts created by the sync. **If you would like to use this option, you will need to send an email to requesting the change.
  • Change to variable 2 – Agreement types to sync to allow inverse function.
  • A new e-view has been added to track when a contract has been updated/created and when the invoice in e-automate has been renumbered.
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