In order for you to use ID771 to review profitability of in state versus out of state equipment you must assign equipment records specific territories, statuses, conditions or bill code(s) as an identifier distinguishing between in-state versus out of state.
Note: this report cannot give you revenue by GL, but you can see that information using the system e-view named General Ledger Transaction Details. Keep in mind that ID771 revenue and cost are from the financial period they are booked in, and not the document date or the coverage period. So, if something was voided and rebilled later and booked in a different financial month, it’s going to show in the new financial month. Ensure you're matching that logic in the e-view so it matches up.
1. From the landing page of the Power BI Report click on the Customer - Tabular (Slice by Any Dimension) option under Custom Reports.
2. Using the dropdowns for "slice by any dimension" and "analyze", select the columns you want to appear in the report.
The example below is looking at Revenue, Cost (and breakdown of cost type), Profit and Margin for a time frame specified in the top right. Right now, it is showing overall profitability for all equipment.
Recommended Selections:
Slice by any dimension = Account, Contract Number, Equipment Number
Analyze = Revenue, Cost, Cost Supplies, Cost Parts, cost Labor, Cost Other, Profit, Margin
3. In order to review for in state or out of state machines, click on the orange filter button in the top right corner
4. From the filter screen you will want to narrow down what you're looking at by selecting either the Territory(s), Equipment Status(es), Equipment Condition(s) or Equipment Bill Code(s) representing in state or out of state. You can also play with the other filters to narrow it down further to what you're looking for such as if you want to look at contracted revenue/cost only, active contracts only, specific customers, etc. When you're done making selections, click the icon of the box with a pointing arrow to save and go back to the report which will not reflect the changes you've made.
5. In the custom report you can click on the + buttons to expand the view to see contract numbers and equipment numbers. You can highlight any row and then click into any cell to see further information on the value listed.
6. In the example below, we clicked into the revenue field for an equipment number row. You may need to turn on drill-down capability as shown in the screen shot below and then right click on the value field and click Drill Through and select Rev/Cost.
As an alternative to reviewing in-state and out of state profit separately as detailed in the steps above, you can choose to stop after step 2 and follow the steps below to export a full report. this would require that you use Equipment Territory, Equipment Bill Code or Equipment Condition to define in-state versus out of state equipment.
1. Keep the recommended "slice by any dimension" and "analyze" selections from step 2 above, but add Equipment Territory (Or Equipment Bill Code, Equipment Condition)
2. Follow instructions in this link to export the report results to excel
3. Once exported you can format and filter as needed.