There is a lot of liability when you store customer's credit card information and compliance laws to be aware of. The rules are also regularly updated, see the PCI DSS version 4.0 rules here.
For our Online Payments CEO Juice uses a payment gateway from With a payment gateway all financial information is stored in the gateway and makes them responsible for compliance. See NMI's compliance page here.
For clients who want to add an additional layer we suggest registering with Clover Security. To register with Clover go here.
Clover will require your Merchant Identification Number or MID. If you don't have it ask
As you apply for compliance with Clover be sure to check the Pay by link box and not the Online Payments.
Once you check the Pay by link box they will ask for your gateway provider, enter
Follow the rest of the prompts etc and you get to a screen showing you as complaint, as CEO Juice is.