
11/2/2024 - ID669 Payment Site Change Log Details

See below for details on the ID669 site updates released 11/2/2024. Note that the screen shots provided are from our CEO Juice portal and not your portal specifically, so color schemes and logos do not reflect your specific portal, but the information applies.


Item Site Change Geared Towards
1 Bug fix for an issue where Autopay filter by invoice type checkboxes did not work in some instances when selecting Contract Invoices End User
2 Bug fix for an issue causing intermittent timeout errors when adding an Autopay that forced end user back to invoice search page End User
3 Bug fix for an issue that reverted from tenant-specific colors when a user deletes their account

End User

4 Added UI hints for required fields when making a payment End User
5 Added client option to change verbiage on credit card payment page to reference the 3% fee as a "surcharge" instead of "fee"   End User
6 Added option to verify end user account registration  Admin User 
7 Added enhancement to auto pays that will cause payment to fail if invoices for more than one customer are attempting to be paid by the auto pay run End User


1) Bug fix for an issue where Autopay filter by invoice type checkboxes did not work in some instances when selecting Contract Invoices

The checkboxes available to select the invoice types for the autopay to include were not functional in some cases. When client user selected the Contract Invoices box only, the auto pay would save and update all boxes to be check marked. This issue has been resolved and now it saves properly with the Contract box being check marked only if that was the only selection.



2) Bug fix for an issue causing intermittent timeout errors when adding an Autopay that forced end user back to invoice search page

When End User clicked to Add Auto Pay Details the site would time out and redirect them to the invoice search page. This has been resolved and no longer occurs. Now when end user clicks to Add Auto Pay it takes them to the Auto Pay creation page.



3) Bug fix for an issue that reverted from tenant-specific colors when a user deletes their account

If a user deleted their account from within their profile, the user was directed to a new page that reflected CEO Juice color scheme and logo. Now, if a user deletes their account, the next screen they are directed to will keep your color scheme and logo.

Screen shot below explains where the user was deleting their account prior to being redirected to a page that was not branded with your company's colors / logo.



4) Added UI hints for required fields when making a payment

When your customers make payments there is now an asterisk next to each required field. This is for both Credit Cards and ACH payments.



5) Added client option to change verbiage on credit card payment page to reference the 3% fee as a "surcharge" instead of "fee" 





6) Added option to verify end user account registration 

Admin users can now check to see if an email address has been registered for the portal and if the user has confirmed their registration via the confirmation email they received when they first created their account.




7) Added enhancement to auto pays that will cause payment to fail if invoices for more than one customer are attempting to be paid by the auto pay run

Previously an auto pay could pay invoices across multiple customers if the email address on the auto pay was the same email address linked to the invoices across multiple customers (same AR contact on bill to customer record in e-automate). This gave potential for one customer paying for various customer invoices in error.

This new enhancement will cause for auto pay to fail if it is trying to pay invoices for more than 1 customer account. Now, in order for an end user to auto pay multiple accounts they'll need to set up 1 auto pay per customer account they manage, and it must be set up within the Pay Invoice screen and not the Add Auto Pay Details screen. See below for an example. manages the accounts payable for three entities which are separate bill to customer records in your e-automate. This means that there are separate invoices under separate customer names in your portal for the three entities. In order to create auto pay for each entity, the end user must locate an invoice for each entity in the portal and select to pay the invoice, and from the payment screen select Automatically Pay Invoices at the bottom and set up auto pay there. This tells the auto pay which customer account this specific auto pay is being set up for.  



If end user were to set up the auto payment from the Add Auto Pay Details screen below, the portal doesn't know which customer account the auto payment belongs to, and the auto pay would run and find multiple customer invoices tied to the email address and then it would fail.


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