
ID163 - Sales Order Status Report Overview & Sample:

Daily Open Sales Order Status Report for Reps

Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips |  Related Alerts

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This alert is for clients who utilize Sales Order status, order types, and even Notes on sales orders and want to keep their sales reps notified of current status on their equipment orders. The alert finds all orders that are not canceled or fulfilled where the order type equals the value(s) you enter in VariableW and reports back the Order Number, Status, dollar amount, and if you are using the Notes on sales orders (little yellow sticky icon) to enter in text regarding the current status (Waiting DNA, Waiting Lease Approval, etc). 

This is meant to be only the reps Open Orders and should not be confused as an alert to be a complete reporting of all fulfilled/billed orders for a period. It's strictly Open Uninvoiced orders so reps know the status of their uninvoiced orders.


Run Schedule: Daily End of Day

Type of Output: Email


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Summary of All Reps:


Summary to Rep:



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Variable W: Enter Order Types to consider (multiples separated by comma)

Variable X: Custom Property 1 contents to display on

Variable Y: Custom Property 2 contents to display on

Variable Z: Custom Property 3 contents to display on

Variable 1: Branch numbers alert fires on (list multiple branches separate by commas). Leave blank for ALL branches.



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

-Alert sends up to three different emails:

**BCC receives ALL reports (All Reps Summary, To Rep, To Rep Manager)**

1. Summary Report by Sales Manager to those listed in To/CC/BCC and to Sales Rep Manager 


2. Summary Report to Sales Manager showing by Rep:



3. Detailed Report to Sales Rep Only for To Sales Rep function on subscription:



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

-Alert will automatically send email if Sales Rep email missing, and/or if Sales Manager assignment missing, and/or if Sales Manager email missing from eAuto Employee Record. This email sends to any email listed in first two To address boxes, first two CC address boxes, and BCC box on your ID163 subscription:



-Use also alert ID245 to be notified of this missing information in eAuto.

-You may also specify up to three custom property attributes (not required) from the sales order to include on the alert. 

-If you use Custom Properties on your Sales Orders (or would like to), this alert will show values entered for up to three different Custom Properties. Just list the names of Custom Properties in your Variables X-Z as applicable.


-To create Custom Properties:

Go to Tools / Lists & Codes / Attributes

Create New:

(This attribute name you create is what should be listed in Variables X-Z)

Determine Name, Description, and Data type (Date, Look Up, Text)


Once Attribute(s) created, then add to your Configuration (custom properties also located in Tools / Lists & Codes):

Assign to Sales Order Configuration Type and use drop down in Available Attributes to Quick Add:




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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID348 - Sales Order Status Updates

ID245 - Sales Rep Email and/or Manager Assignment Missing

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