These are instructions on how to create an eView to track and report your IBPI Vendor purchases. This is done by assigning Custom Property to Vendor Records indicating which vendor's activity to report to IBPI.
Enabling Custom Properties:
First you need to make sure you have custom properties enabled in eAutomate.
Go to Tools \ Options \ Misc. Options and check the box to Enable Custom Properties. If your eAutomate user doesn't have sufficient rights to set this option, then you may need to ask your IT to enable the option for you.
Create Custom Property
Next you need to create the new Custom Property that will enable you to indicate which vendors are your IBPI vendors.
Go to Tools \ Lists and Codes \ Attributes and click New:
Create the new IBPI attribute, be sure to select Yes/No as the data type:
Vendor Configuration
If you do not already have a Vendor Configuration created, you will need to create one.
Go to Tools \ Lists and Codes \ Configurations (custom properties).
Select New and create a new configuration called Vendor. Select Vendor Properties from the Group list. If a Vendor configuration already exists then edit the existing one.
In the available attributes drop down list, select the IBPI Vendor Custom Property and click Quick Add. Then click Ok.
Now you need to assign the new Custom Property to all your IBPI Vendor records.
Go to People \ Vendors and edit each of the vendor records that are IBPI vendors:
On the Custom Properties tab of the vendor records, select the Vendor Configuration from the drop down list under Configurations:
Populate IBPI Vendor with Yes:
**If you have any trouble saving this set Custom Property to YES (the OK button is grayed out, this sometimes happens because eAuto doesn't recognize the addition of a custom property as a change to the record), then just change something else like adding a space behind the name and then delete it, then the OK button will not be grayed out anymore.**
You will need to create two eViews
1. See list of Vendor Records with IBPI Custom Property = Yes
2. See list of AP Invoice Activity for those IBPI Vendors
Click the eViews button in eAutomate.
eView of Vendors with Custom Property
In eViews under System \ Accounts Payable, double click on the Vendors eView and click New. This will be the new eView to show a list of all the Vendors with the IBPI custom property set to Yes.
Give the eView a name and click OK:
Click Edit on the new eView. Now you need to add the IBPI Custom Property to the eView so you can filter the eView by the Custom Property. Click Import New Columns.
Under Source, change it from Linked Views to Custom Properties. Select the IBPI Custom Property from the drop down list and click Ok.
Move the IBPI Vendor from the right side Unselected Columns to the left side Selected Columns.
Click on the Filters tab and click Sync with Columns. Then click Ok.
Now you have an eView you can filter by IBPI Vendor equals Yes to see all your IBPI Vendors.
eView for AP Invoice Activity for IBPI Vendors with Custom Property
Under System \ Purchase Orders double click the Vendor Invoices eView and click New, name the new eView. You will need to save this eView and then Edit to add Custom Property via Import new Columns. Select Linked Views of Vendor (Vendor) and add IBPI Vendor, then select OK:
Now you can move IBPI Vendor over to selected columns and remove any unwanted columns:
Be sure to Sync with columns on the Filters tab:
Now you can run eView with filters by date and IBPI Vendor = Yes: