
How to increase your Survey Response rate

Below are processes to help you increase your Survey Response Rate on service calls, and effectively your overall response rate, invaluable client feedback and your Net Promoter Score (NPS)

1. It is important to ensure that as many calls as possible have a contact with an email link on the service call at time of entry:

  • ID188 is a daily summary showing you how many calls did / did not have an email linked (no email, then no survey). We break it down by user, so which dispatchers are forgetting to link contacts.
  • ID87 will email the person entering the call in eAutomate if they forget to link a contact and email on the service call

2. ID42 is designed to increase response rate to our service call survey by encouraging the customer to submit feedback:

We've had a few clients implement policies where the tech mentions to the customer that they will be getting a survey request, highlights the importance of gathering feedback to get the customer a better level of service and encourages the customer to respond with what we could have done better or what are we doing thats working great. This alert will notify the technician when they are dispatched to a call where the contact has never submitted a response to the service call survey ID109, or not submitted  within Var W days i.e 60 days.

3. Encourage your dispatchers to mention the posy call survey:

Have your dispatchers mention to the customer when they are on the phone, to not only confirm the email address on file is still correct, but to mention they will be receiving a follow up email with a link to a survey once the call is closed, and how important all feedback is (good or bad) as this helps to improve the overall customer service experience.

4. Are you using a good "from email" to send out the surveys:

It is important to use a "from email" that doesn't contain the word 'survey' or some other spam blocker identifiable word, to ensure your emails are getting through to the contact you listed.

It is also highly recommended to use an email that is a 'monitored email account'. Sometimes customers will reply to the email with a question i.e. please send the tech back out, or please ship out supplies for this machine. Even though the customer may be emailing an incorrect email, you do not want to leave the impression that their questions are not being answered.

5. Send out multiple surveys for different interactions:

The more surveys sent out asking for feedback, the more potential responses.

ID109 sent out after a service call is closed, ID220 after a supply order has shipped out, ID312 after a new piece of equipment has been sold and installed, ID480 Contract Anniversary survey, ID505 ConnectWise survey, ID373 survey an executive contact once.

6. Reduce Opt Out requests

We recommend before opting out a Customer or a Contact, that you send them this response first, we see about 90% of contacts opting to keep on receiving the surveys

"Thank you for submitting feedback on your recent service call.  We received your request to opt out from future emails, and are happy to accommodate your request.  We send these emails to confirm that our system shows all work completed with no open items on this call. If we need to come back with a part for example, you would not receive an email.  We do not expect a response on every email, however if you have a moment to tell us how we are doing or a specific event warrants it, feedback is greatly appreciated, but not required. The email goes to the person who places the service call, so you would not be emailed unless it was you that placed the call. 

We appreciate all feedback, as it helps us to continue to improve our level of customer service.  We do understand that people are trying to cut back on emails, if you still wish to opt out simply reply directly to me and I will make the change.

Thank you again, and we appreciate your business."




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