A daily summary of cash in and cash out so you can see the impact on your bank accounts.
Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
The alert provides management with an overview of all transactions affecting cash accounts, including all cashbook transaction types, customer payments and vendor payments. The alert shows the total transactions for the prior day, prior week, current period, and prior period.
This results in an awareness of customer collections efforts and helps with decisions on cash flow needs.
Run Schedule: Daily at 5 am or weekly on Monday at 5 am. The default schedule is daily.
Type of Output: Email
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Variable W: All cash accounts, the default value is All. Leave as All to have the report list transactions for all cash accounts.
Variable X: List account numbers. If you would like to have the alert just report on transactions for specific accounts, list those in this variable, separated by a comma. If you enter accounts in this variable, change Variable W to blank.
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
On the alert, the Prior Day and Prior 7 Days columns are pulling transactions based on the entered by date of the transaction. The Current Period on the alert is rolling month 0, which is always the current month. The Prior Period on the alert is rolling month 1, which is always the previous month. The period columns on the alert are pulling transactions based on the period the transaction posts in, not entered by date. The balance column is the balance on the account at the time of the firing of the alert.
The alert lists all cashbook transactions:
- Cashbook Charges
- Cashbook Deposit
- Cashbook Instant Check
- Cashbook Interest
- Cashbook Payment
- Cashbook Transfer
- Cashbook Withdrawal
You can view the details of these transactions by using the eView "Cashbook Transactions" and filtering by transaction type:
**Note that you will need to change the date filter based on what column of the alert you are trying to see the details for...based on period for the current and prior period columns and based on entered by date for the prior day and prior 7 days column.
The alert will also list Customer and Vendor Transactions:
- Customer Payment
- Customer Payment Reversal
- Customer Refund
- Payroll Paycheck
- Vendor Payment
- Vendor Payment Reversal
You can view the details on these types of transactions using the General Ledger Transaction Details eView:
For this view, you'll need to filter based on the Account Number, period or entered by date and the Type.
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
None at this time.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
None at this time.
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