Please see below for an explanation of changes made to the ID258 Customer Business Review (QBR):
Report Filter Options:
1. Show all non-zero AR Invoices
This option allows for you to select ALL AR Invoices to see such activity as Sales Invoices:
2. Report From / To Date
Now you can select date range for report (rather than months of history as old version was set)
3. Run in Single Customer Mode
This new filter option allows you to run for a specific customer as opposed to a parent and all its locations. This will be a new variable setting for purposes of controlling Compass Sherpa and will also determine the default value of the param when running manually. Users of Compass Sherpa QBR will still only be able to pull by months (not specific dates).
Worksheet Page 1 / Customer Review:
4. Location Notes
In previous version these Location Notes were not consistently reflecting up to date Location Remarks. The background logic has been improved and should be pulling from Location Remarks on Equipment Record:
5. Target Monthly Volume
Target monthly volume can be set in eAuto under Model / Meter Types. If nothing set there, then report uses average model on contract volume based on your fleet of that model in eAuto.
6. Actual Age Years
Actual age of equipment based on install date. If no installed date on Equipment Record, then assume first date of service call or first date of item consumption (toner, parts) is install date
7. Virtual Age Years
Virtual Age is the age-in-clicks per the Target volume if set, or else the average-across-fleet for that model-on-contract. So for instance if the target is 500/month and it's got 20,000 BW clicks on it then it's 3.33 years old virtually, never mind that it's only been onsite for three months. Formula in example is 20,000 (total clicks produced since install) / 6,000 clicks per year (500/month).
**Shown in green / red to highlight if on target or not**