The purpose of the Equipment Statuses is to track the state of your equipment. There are several statuses that are standard within the system and you can also create your own.
Equipment statuses are specific to your business practice and can vary widely across different dealers. Below is a list of some common ones to give you some ideas but only create ones that will benefit and be used by your specific business practices.
Awaiting other items/accessories (helpful when EQ statuses are used to track what stage a new piece of equipment is in)
Ready for Setup (helpful when EQ statuses are used to track what stage a new piece of equipment is in) Setup (helpful when EQ statuses are used to track what stage a new piece of equipment is in)
Ready for Delivery (helpful when EQ statuses are used to track what stage a new piece of equipment is in) Scheduled for Delivery (helpful when EQ statuses are used to track what stage a new piece of equipment is in)
Dispose Of
To Be Refurbished
Parts Harvest
On Rent
On Loan
In House
To use the Equipment Status functionality, you must first have Equipment History Tracking enabled. To enable this, go to Tools - Options - Equipment and check the box for Enable equipment history tracking:
Equipment statuses are found in: Tools - Lists and Codes - Equipment statuses:
To create a new status, click on New and enter a name for the Status, a Description and chose which of the three Base types to add the status to:
The three base types for equipment statutes are:
In Stock (In House) – Use to designate equipment that is showing in inventory and is located in your building. Example is “Available”
In Stock (Not in House) – Use to designate equipment that is showing in inventory but is not located in your building. Example is “Rental”
Not In Stock – Used to designate equipment that is not currently showing in inventory. Example is “Retired”
Once you create the Equipment Statuses you want to use, there are two more steps needed to ensure that the status is available for you to use on a piece of equipment:
1. The first step is to add the status to an equipment history tracking configuration.
To add the status to an equipment history tracking configuration go to Tools - Lists and codes - Configurations (equipment history tracking)
Choose the tracking configuration you want to add the status to and click edit.
On the Status Tab (1) highlight the Status you want to add to the configuration. Add an attribute by choosing an attribute from the Available attribute(s) list (2) and click QuickAdd:
**Each status must have at least one attribute listed here.**
On the Events and transactions tab, click on the event titled "Manual Status Change" (1). On the right side of the screen, choose the option "Allow user to select from the statuses checked below:" and then check off the statuses that you would like to be available when the status is being changed (2). Add any attributes you want to update when you change the status (3):
2. The second step is to ensure that the equipment history tracking configuration is assigned to the equipment item.
The Tracking configuration is found on the Codes and Settings tab of the item record. Choose the correct configuration from the drop down list:
Once the status is completed, you can update the equipment by either right clicking on the equipment record and choosing Change status:
Or you can click on the equipment and then click on the Status button in the top menu bar:
Either option will take you to the Equipment History Tracking screen, where you can update the status for the equipment:
**If the status that you want to update the equipment to is not shown in the list, do the following:
Check the item record for the equipment and see what tracking configuration is assigned.
Under Tools - Lists and codes - Configurations (equipment history tracking) find that tracking configuration and edit the configuration.
On the Events and transactions tab, click on the event "Manual status change" and make sure that the status you want to use has a check next to it in the list.