
ID398 - Prerequisites / Requirements

Before subscribing to this alert, please review these STRICT REQUIREMENTS/PREREQUISITES for this alert:

  1. .Net 4.7 or higher MUST be installed on the CEO Juice server
  2. Email box must be set that CEO Juice can login and access for initial installation (please ensure two-factor authentication is turned off, for example)
  3. The email box collecting these meter reading responses will need to be unique for each manufacturer. We can't access an email box with varying types of emails in it and filter through them. We suggest, if needed, please create a rule in your general email box moving/redirecting these devices reported meter reading responses to its own unique mailbox by manufacturer (i.e. KonicaMinolta, Sharp). That unique mailbox will be where our alert will go to per your variable settings. We will need to create an alert for each manufacturer.
  4. The setup of this alert process will need to involve IT department and your meter reading department for this process to work for such things as email box access, passwords, review, etc.
  5. The alert will trigger daily; HOWEVER, an important aspect to this alert process is there is always still requirement of staff to watch the email mailbox daily, human oversight is still required. Staff will need to monitor the email box daily to catch errors and unread emails daily (perhaps at end of day). The alert process ONLY considers unread emails.
  6. Since the device is reporting the meter reading(s), it is not CEO Juice responsibility to ensure these meter readings are correct. Devices are programmed to report meter readings and it is not CEO Juice responsibility to ensure the meter reading(s) parsed from the emailed report are calculated correctly. You will need to verify the meters entered in eAuto through our alert process in fact are correctly calculating (i.e. adding multiple reported color meters to determine total color meter count). CEO Juice is not held liable for any meters reported through this process that are incorrectly reported to you. It is imperative your staff review meter readings and ensure your meter reading validation set up in eAuto is in place to meet your meter billing requirements.
  7. Meter types set as virtual can not be handled by this alert process.
  8. Please note, this alert process is not like automated meter capture software (i.e. FM Audit, PrintFleet) as there is NO direct link between the machine and our alert process. We are just picking up emails and the content within that email.

Please feel free to email with any questions you may have.

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