To generate service call(s) when a sales order status is triggered in the corresponding sales process alert (id348, etc)). This version will generate a call for each calltype specified in the variables below accordingly, for each either each 'Host' item on the sales order, or 1 call per sales order depending on the how you setup the process alert.
Typically, equipment sales orders will have many process steps and currently this alert supports the following types of calls (do not confuse this with your 'call types'!): **In each of these types of calls , you specify the default tech and your calltype code to use for the calls generated.
- Site Inspection - This would be where you require a tech to go to the customers site to verify that the appropriate electrical is in place and the physical space is sufficient to install and contain the assembled equipment (typically production and/or wide format equipment). This works by you creating a 'servicable item' and specifying that item in the 959 variables so we can identify if it exists on a sales order and create an appropriate site inspection call.
- Shop Setup - This is the call generated for each item that is a model-host and has a (+) qty and is for the setup shop to unbox and build the equipment. The child items on the sales order for this host are specified in the call description box to help the tech know what accesories are to be attached.
- Programming(Remote) - This is the call generated to do the necessary programming of the machine so that the customers address book / ip addresses / scanning destinations / etc are installed and the machine is ready to be plugged into customers network and be operational. Best practice organizations do as much of this in-house before the equipment is delivered and finish the process once delivered via 'remote-install' (connecting to the device remotely for final configuration steps).
- Delivery - We support 2 options for the delivery call. The process can generate 1 call per sales order , or 1 call per each item that is a model-host and has a (+) qty. 1 or multiple calls really depends on what supporting paper work you provide your delivery drivers. This option is set in ID959 variableY (Delivery Calls Per Order).
- Pickup Equipment - This is the call to specify which (if any) equipment the truck needs to pickup from the customers site and return to the office. If you specify to create a pickup call, then the assumption is any item that is a model-host and has a (-) qty (indicating return). If you are picking up equipment you sold then you enter that item/serial# as a (-) qty on the sales order...if you are picking up equipment that was not part of your inventory (competitive equipment, etc), then the best practice is to have a generic serviceable item setup and when used on the sales order , the item description is overridden with the actual model/serial# so drivers know exactly which machine(s) to pickup.
There are 2 more types of calls we have identified that may or may not be part of your process, but we have not incorporated these into the capabilities as of yet. But those 2 additional types that we will be adding in version 2 of this process are:
- OnSite Install - Where an additional call is required to send a technician onsite to complete the configuration/setup/installation of the equipment. This is where a remote install was not possible for whatever reason, and/or it's a production and/or wide-format machine that requires onsite configuration.
- SecurityWipe - Where you provide the service to remote and wipe customers information from any internal hard-drives from the machine. This will probably utilize a custom property on the Model to indicate if that model has internal devices that required appropriate actions to insure no customer data remains with the device. Not sure as of yet what the 'trigger' to generate these calltypes will be, but it might be controlled on a sales order by sales order basis if required.
This 959 process relies on the ID348 (sales order process change) family of alerts to trigger the call creations . These alerts are where you specify the status changes you apply to your sales order(s) as they move thru your purchasing/picking/setup/delivery process. Currently the sales order process alerts support up to 8 status changes that may or may not trigger creation of service calls (depending on how you set the call variable in each of the associated alert(s).