eAgent has a task that will put customers on credit hold and take them off depending on the settings you put in place.
Start by opening up eAgent, if you are running EA 8.7 or above then login to eAuto and go to Tools -> eAgent. Otherwise it will be a separate 'program' with an icon, similar to how you would find eAutomate. Once in select 'New' on the top left, that will open up a screen where you can choose which task you would like to create, select 'Customer Hold Status'.
Once you press OK it will open up the task and display the different options/settings available. Make sure to set the Task User to Admin.
In order for this task to work the customer needs to have the 'Use eAgent to Place or release from Credit Hold' checked on the record in eAutomate. See below for where to find that checkbox:
If you are using the Credit Limit field (in the picture above it's on the top left where it says $2,000), then you can use the second checkbox in the eAgent task to manage it by percent of credit limit.
NOTE: You can use eViews to see which customers have the above setting checked and those that don't. Just open up the Customers eView and then customize it to show the field 'Use e-agent to set credit hold'. Just highlight the column and select the arrow to bring it over to the section on the left which is the Selected Columns, then go to the Filters Tab and sync them. See below for where to find that column:
The third checkbox allows you to also give eAgent permission to take customers off hold status, we recommend allowing that and checking the box. It also gives you an option to set a minimum at which to ignore customers being put on hold. We recommend setting that at something like $10.
The last option is to send an email summary which we recommend. If you would like your sales reps to also be notified when their accounts are put on/off credit hold you can use our alert, ID581. That will send a daily summary to each rep listing which of their accounts have been put on or off credit hold for that day.
NOTE: If you have customers that you want to give a 'grace period' to you can use our alert, ID138 to help manage that. ID138: "For your larger customers who have normal terms codes on invoices (30 day, 45 day, etc) but who traditionally pay later. The custom property gives you the ability to give specific customers additional grace days. Example EAgent puts all accounts on hold that have invoices past due by 21 days but you give one specific customer a grace period of an additional 20 days. You specify at the customer level the additional grace period via a custom property we set up for you."
The second tab on the eAgent task is the schedule step:
For most of our clients we recommend running this weekly. However if you process payments daily then you should run it daily and if you're constantly processing payments then you should run it hourly.