
Bulk Update Alert Recipients on CEO Juice Website

Customer admin users to the CEO Juice website are able to utilize a bulk update feature to replace recipients on an alert in mass, instead of going to each alert to make updates.

When logged into the CEO Juice site, click on Subscriptions (1) and then under Subscription Tools (2), click on Tools and choose Replace email recipient (3):


The Find and Replace page will appear:


Enter the email address of the user to replace in the Find box (1). Once you tab out of the Find email field, a list of alerts for that email address will appear in the subscriptions to be updated field (2). Use the checkboxes for TO, CC, BCC and FROM to determine if the subscriptions include each option (3).

Once you have added in the email to replace on the alerts in the Replace With field (1), you'll see the Replace All button appear (2). Click on this button to replace the email in the find field with the email address in the Replace With field.



**This process will only work to replace an email address with a new email address. If you only want to remove a recipient from all alerts, please email and we can make those changes for you.**

If you have any issues with this process, please email and we can assist.

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