Emails copy of Equipment Sales Invoice to Sales Rep for reporting points to manufacturer
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Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
Sales reps can apply for points from manufacturers by going to the manufacturer's website and entering in the sales invoice/serial#'s for their sales. Of course we all know it's the manufacturers way of "buying" the details of all our sales to our customers for their equipment. And history has shown the manufacturers do not hesitate to use this information against the dealers if/when the relationship is discontinued. Some dealers have their sales reps use the dealership name as the "customer" name when registering the sales information for their points so the manufacturer's never really has the customers actual information.
This alert will provide the sales rep the required information so they can register the sale, but you can specify whether the invoice copy to the rep includes the actual Customers' name or uses your dealership name instead. The invoice can also not print any items on the invoice if that item is assigned to the category you specify. The invoice goes as a PDF file to the sales rep on that invoice. This process will not notify the sales rep if a sales order or a billed invoice sent to them prior via this process was voided. However, when it's billed on new sales order or rebilled on original sales order they will receive the new invoice.
Run Schedule: Daily
Type of Output: Email
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Variable W: (REQUIRED) Sets if actual Customer Name/Address or your Company Name/Address shows on invoice
Company = your actual company info (branch specific)
Customer = your customer's actual info
Variable X: (REQUIRED) Enter Order Type(s) to consider, separated by comma OR leave Blank to consider Equipment as default Order Type
Variable Y: Inventory Item Category(ies) assigned to "dummy" items that should not print on this invoice copy, separate multiple entries with comma.
Leave this variable blank if not using "dummy" items. Dummy items may be, for example, "Upgrade/Buyout", "Connectivity Fees", or "Set Up Toner".
This variable will prevent item detail from showing on invoice based on Item Category Code seen on Item Records:
Variable 1: (REQUIRED) Select level of $$ amounts to show on invoice copy or to suppress all $$
Show $$ for Details and Total = shows line item level price AND invoice total
Show only invoice total $ = shows only invoice total, no item level price
Suppress all $$ amounts = shows no pricing at all
Do you want invoice to showing any dollar amounts?
Variable 2: (REQUIRED) Select what triggers 3rd party billing invoices to be sent to the rep
(3rd Party Invoices are Bill To is not linked to any Parent or Location Customer Records)
Paid = PDF Invoice will be emailed to rep on day invoice is paid
Created = PDF Invoice will be emailed to rep on day invoice is created
Variable 3: (REQUIRED) Indicate the # of days 'After' either invoiced or created (per Variable2) to wait before sending to rep
Variable 4: (REQUIRED) Select what triggers direct billed invoices to be sent to the rep (Paid or Created)
Variable 5: (REQUIRED) Indicate the # of days 'After' either invoiced or created (per Variable4) to wait before sending to rep. **Some clients want to wait 7 days after billing to allow for adjustments etc. that might come up
Variable 6: Branch numbers to trigger on, separated by comma, or blank for ALL.
**Please note, this variable function changed with revision #20240221. It is now a list of branches to include, previous versions had the function as list of branches to exclude.
Variable 7: Enter Make(s) to include for this process (i.e. Canon, Sharp, Ricoh), or leave blank for ALL. Separate multiple with comma.
Variable 8 (REQUIRED) Indicate if the report should use the actual Item# from the item record, or if you want to use the item# from the linked PO (example: Canon Financial requires that Spiff invoices use the Item# from the PO for the item) or the Sales Order.
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. Alert considers ONLY Order Types per your VariableX setting and ONLY Make(s) listed in Variable7 (if you have any listed); otherwise considers ALL Makes. Then PDF invoice format is based on the remaining variable settings. Please be sure to review your variable setting on your alert subscription.
2. Variable 6 function has changed with revision #20240221. If you have your version updated to anything from 20240221 or newer, please ensure the branches listed in Variable6 are those you wish to be included in the process. Previous versions has Variable6 set to list branches to exclude.
3. When alert is initially installed, it will only look back 3-days for qualifying invoices. Once an invoice is sent for this process, it will not send again.
4. If process set to trigger on invoice 'Created', the process looks to the actual creation date of the invoice, regardless of the date on the invoice itself.
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
1. If you're not using any dummy items on your equipment sales orders then just leave VariableY blank. Dummy items may be, for example, "Upgrade/Buyout", "Connectivity Fees", or "Set Up Toner". If you have questions on this, please contact us and we will further explain how the client uses these dummy items to help in the disbursement of funding checks when the deal involves buyouts and or service buy downs or any other special distribution.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID245 - Sales Rep Email and/or Manager Assignment Missing
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