
ID631 - FMAudit Account with Device Count Mapped / UnMapped Overview & Sample:

Ensuring you get meters to bill contracts is an ongoing battle, for clients using FM Audit this report will give you a weekly update on the number of FM Audit accounts that have been mapped to eAuto accounts. (Only onsite installations of FMAudit Central are supported, as we need to be able to have direct access to the database.)

Sample output contains Date, # of Total Accounts, # of Mapped Accounts, Total # of Equipment Records, Total # of UnMapped Equipment, and Total # of Mapped Equipment, as shown below:



This alert has 2 Variables:


VarW  = #Days Back to use since Device last Meter pulled

VarX   = Please enter the AccountID #(s) from FMCentral that are your dealership accounts you wish to monitor with this alert.  You can determine this by looking up your account in FMCentral and it's displayed to the right of the account name as (# xx). If you want this alert to monitor multiple parent accounts you have setup, separate them with a comma (ie: 1,2) etc.

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