
ID137 - Notify Technician via Email when Call Dispatched and Meter Readings Needed at Customer Location Overview & Sample:

This is designed to let your technician know when a call they are dispatched to has additional equipment (at that customer location) missing meters. It appears to be standard practice to set the meter contact on equipment to indicate equipment that s/b monitored by one of the meter collection systems (FMAudit, PrintFleet, etc) and use setup a contact called FMAudit for example. Some dealers handle the non reporting auto collection equipment with a different process and they want this particular event to report only equipment missing meters that are not audited by one of the meter capture solutions. If that's the case, enter in the Name of the metercontact contact you are assigning to all your auto-capture monitored equipment. You can choose customers to exclude from this alert by assigning the custom property (used in Variable X) and setting to 'Exclude'. 

This alert looks for the next overage date and checks if there is a valid billable meter within your set tolerance range. If not, then it will trigger.

Sample output is shown below:



This alert has 2 Variables:


VarW = MeterContact name on Equipment not to be included (i.e. FMAudit)

VarX  = AttributeName for custom property assigned to Customers to be EXCLUDED from Alert (Example:  ZCJ_ExcludeCustomerID137)

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