
ID658 - Contract Set as Not Taxable Overview & Sample:

This alert will notify you any time there is an active Service Contract in your system that is set as non-taxable. 

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This alert reviews active Service Contracts in your system to determine if it has been set up as taxable or non-taxable. The area on the Service Contract that contains this setting is on the Billing/Contact tab. If the alert finds instances of Contracts set as non-taxable, it will include the contract results on its emailed output. 

This alert is helpful as it provides insight into which contracts may have been set up as non-taxable in error. It also gives your accounting and billing teams an idea of how many contracts do not bill taxes. 


Run Schedule:  Bi-Weekly on Monday

Type of Output: Email


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ID658 2.JPG

Variable W: enter any Contract Codes you do not want included in this alert

Variable X: enter any Bill Codes you do not want included in this alert

Variable Y: enter any Tax Codes you do not want included in this alert

Variable Z: Enter any Branch Numbers you do not want included in this alert


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

This alert reviews the Billing/Contact tab of active Service Contracts in your system that do not have the Taxable box check marked. If it is unchecked, it is included in the alert. 

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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

It is best practice is to uncheck the taxable box on the Billing/Contact tab when customers are not taxable and keep the tax code set to the tax authority the customer is in. This way when you run the tax report it groups the revenue in the proper tax authority and puts the amount in the non-taxable column. If you keep the taxable box checked and changed the tax authority to an exempt tax authority, it doesn't group the revenue into the proper tax authorities on your tax reports and causes manual calculation to your tax reports. The screen shots below show how to complete the tax sections on the Billing/Contact tab of the Contract when taxable and when non-taxable.


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ID658 4.JPG


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

None at this time. 


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