
ID380 - Enhanced Version of e-Automate's Contract List Report Overview & Sample:

Custom report on detailed contract data, this is an enhanced version of eAutomates Contract List report

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This report is an enhanced version of eAutomates Contract List Report. This on demand report provides various details on the set up of a contract, billing info, rates, covered copies, dates etc. The report can be used by your team as an overview of a contract as it includes many of the fields of how the contract is set up as well as billing information. We will install it inside your Custom Reports folder, in eAutomates Reports Console.

What's included in this ID380 custom report and not in the stock eAutomate report:

Branches, Sales Reps, Contract Bill Groups, Renewable Status, Tax Codes, Contract Remarks, GL Distribution, and more.


Run Schedule: On Demand

Type of Output: Custom Report


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ID380 has no variables.



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Click Reports from your top toolbar in e-Automate.

ID380 1.JPG

2. Click on Custom Reports from the side bar options and you'll see the report "CEO Juice DGI Contract List (Enhanced)". 

ID380 2.JPG

3. Double click to open the report filters and complete them as desired (see OnDemand Report Filters Section below for details).

4. Click OK on the filters box to run the report

5. The report can be exported by clicking the Export Report button on the upper-left hand side of the report window



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OnDemand Report Filters

OnDemand Report Filters

Select to include all customers or a specific From and To customer

ID380 3.JPG

Select to include all contracts or a specific From and To contract

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Select to include all contracts or active contracts only

ID380 5.JPG

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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

This report is a great resource for those who do not work in the service contracts within e-Automate on a regular basis and therefore do not know where to find pertinent contract details. This report can be used by your C-level employees as well as service and sales managers to be in-the-know of the details of specific customer contracts. 


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID298 - Contract Detailed Review Report


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